Monday, December 27, 2010
Twenty Eleven.
So we're at the dust of 2010. Many many things happened this year and I must say this is the most fulfilling year I've had so far. Yes, I think its because of NS. Lets look back to my 2010.
My 2010
My 19th Birthday was one of, if not, the BEST. All my friends were there with me for me. We had a (cake) smashing time and not to forget my loots. I really love the Pokeball card Yuqi and Clement made for me. Thanks for choosing me (:
Basketball Frenzy
Yea, I remember this crazy period too. I would go down to AMK 6 days a week to play basketball from hot afternoon till the lights go off. Thanks ZH for accompanying me with this little craze of mine. I had a good time with Andy and Jovan too so Kudos to them. Oh, and if you think practise makes perfect, I think not. My basketball still suck!
Hardship. It is the toughest part of NS so far. I guess it was tough because I'm not used to military life yet. Thanks Andrew and many many people that help me pull through this hellhole.
WhoOO! BMT to SCS is like hell to paradise. It really can't get any better than this (except ORD)
The intial weeks were tough, but it got good and good-er and became good-est. It is one of those times where you hate is so much yet love it. I had a fantastic time with 8 of my retarded detachment mates. Thanks Det 4. Oh, and I made my best friend here; BEN HU (:
Back to SCS - CAT
This was just 2 weeks but the best. Initially I felt real lost because I was the only one from my course in my syndicate, then I met Macson! Mac is my idol, inspiration, role model and whatever you call it! He brought me round the camp, told me stories, taught me lessons, skills (not smoking!) He is like my brother and I like it that way (: Thanks Mac. Thanks Ben also!
Sigh.. Unit life just started so nothing much happened but it seems boring. 4 of my detachment mates from AI came with me but it just doesn't feel the same anymore. Well, at least I still have Ben with me (: BenNnn!
The most awesome 25 December. Thanks Macson, Julie. You've filled me with happiness in its purest form.
So now, looking ahead. 2011 is going to be interesting. It is an important year, the year before I become legit and start taking the world. I am going to..
- Learn Piano
- Buy a guitar and learn
- Continue with my song. Its KIV for now.
- Read, alot.
- Apply for University
- Improve on my magic
- Do a project
- Be better friends with Ben
- Be better brothers with Mac
- Make my ideas practical
Thats all I can think for now. If you read till here, WELL DONE!
RandoM: Rocketeer
Saturday, December 18, 2010
3SGT (:
So on the 17th of December I officially became a 3rd Sergeant and im going to Kranji camp with all my friends. My besssttt friend is there too so YEA! They say that once you wear a black rank, all the responsibilities comes and so do the extra duties. Still, YEA!
RAnDom: I'll choose the same end.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Look What You've Done...
At this point, you should know that most actions have a trade off. Handphones allow us to store numbers of friends, disintegrating our innate ability to memorize the phone numbers. The connectivity handphone provides also reduces punctuality. The goodness that Facebook brought about also took something equally, if not more important from us.
Goodness: Whats on your mind? You could let all your friends know what you're thinking and you can read what all your friends are thinking. Great way to know you friends better - on the surface that is.
My Feelings: Its degenerating I feel. You don't exactly know the person by reading their walls! Meet the person up, have a HTHT (heart-to-heart-talk). But people just don't get it. They feel this is a good way.
Impact: Less socializing among friends. More friends, more superficial friends.
Goodness: Games! Everyone likes playing games. Mousehunt is one of my favourite in Facebook. Its a passive game where you sound a horn every 15min to try to catch a mouse.
My Feelings: Good game. Really. But where is the socializing again? The games on Facebook does allow you to 'play with a friend', like for mousehunt you sound a horn for a friend at the same location. But where is the dynamic of coordination? And its way tooo distracting.
Impact: Games are solo games. No interaction. Distraction, from work.

My Feelings: I've used this function quite alot... When I use it I never post anything on the person's wall. Its like.. reconnect on facebook but not really connected anymore.
Impact: Quick reconnection, buff your friend list. Thats it.
All and all, Facebook is awesome. Mark did a fantastic job. Its concept was for everything good. Its just people start abusing Facebook, choosing to substitute reality with it. 5th of December, lets all ask those friends that matters out amd hang out physically. Its a date.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
I know it won't last. I just know it.

I've got a few more weeks to spend with my friends. Don't worry, no one is dying. My course is coming to an end and we're going to spread out to various places. People keep consoling me that theres a chance I'll be together with my friends. Well the truth is theres also a chance I won't, and I think thats a better chance.
I've got this friend who in my course. Im not real close to him but I could say he is my best friend. Im not sure if it is the other way though. Its a pity that the time we've spent together is so short. I would have really wanted to know him better. People tell me that I could still remain in contact with my friends even if we're in different places. Well, thats if its 2 way right?
I know it. I just know it, that after we go our seperate ways, we go our seperate ways. 13weeks is insufficient to create a bond strong enough to last. I've had many experiences with friends that I really wanted to befriend and at some point we became real close but after we moved on, we really moved on. Some because I didn't try, while others is because I stopped trying. Either way it doesn't matter. It didn't last.
And right now, I've got 3 more weeks. I've been trying very hard to make the best of it. To try and improve on this friendship so that it can become 2 way. So that it can self-sustain. So that maybe I can become his best friend too. But I just have a feeling that it'll boil down to nothing. Maybe it won't boil down to nothing because it was nothing to begin with.
I don't understand why I try so hard even though I know it wouldn't make a difference. I know that it'll just make it harder when the times comes. I can just stop trying and stop it here. Shorten the pain but I guess its that glimmer of hope that maybe I can do it, or maybe we'll be going to the same place. Or perhaps its just human nature to do futile things, just like despite knowing we all meet our makers at the end of the road all of us try to achieve tangible rewards that we could not bring away.
I woke up, in the middle of a Thursday night
Sunday, November 7, 2010
The Social Network

This is a story about the founders of the social-networking website, facebook. Although the story may not be completely true, it still paints a very detailed picture of the creation of a worldwide phenomenon. Facebook is now part and parcel of almost everyone's life and I believe it is important for all to have this - The making of Facebook - as part of their general knowledge.
This movie is simply too brilliant! The ideas presented in the movie are so bold but true. It may be hard for some to comprehend or come to terms with but it is simply such boldness that great enterprises are created.
I feel this new surge of motivation, of fire burning within me to pursue something that is far beyond my understanding; to earn money I never thought possible; to own properties I never thought I could; to make changes that shape the world. This movie has given me a new dosage of fuel to burn longer and brighter. I'm not sure if this is the way for me, but I'll walk this way.
RanDom: No more blogging about my daily occurrence. Too boring ):
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Too fast for me.
So recently I watch "Child's Eye" and "Paranomal Activity 2". Both movies are horror and like most horrors, the plot is.. *sigh* I wouldn't say I exactly wasted the money since the fright scenes got to me but I'd think twice, or thrice when deciding to watch another horror in the theaters. Paying to be in fright is just too stupid for me.
Today I had this awesome buffet at Vienna (Novena). Well its a little more price-y (40/pax after ++) but the spread is quite fantastic! They serve crayfish, lobsters, salmon, prawns, beef etc etc etc. A very sinful lunch indeed.
5 more weeks. ):
RanDom: Rocket!!!
Sunday, October 24, 2010
I scrub algae!
How did i know? Ah! Last Friday lessons ended early so they made us scrub algae around our camp. Initially it was quite fun, creating algae graffiti all over the floor. Soon, we came to a realization that the algae infestion is so widespread and our backs started to ache.. Eventually they made us remove our marks ):
The coming few weeks in camp I'd be having high key.. Hope all goes well.
RanDom: bicycle
Sunday, October 17, 2010
The coming Friday I may not be back ): I FAILED an evaluation in camp so I'm in for re-evaluation. I was SO close to passing! (o.6points) *sigh*
For the coming week, I'll be having my driving evaluation too. No, its not a car but a super heavy vehicle (13+ Tonnes). Whats difficult about this driving is that you steer the rear wheels instead of the front, so I get psycho-motor quite often.. If I do not pass, there goes another weekend ):
I've just got a new game! Civilization V. Until now, the game is quite good EXCEPT its so darn complicated. The there are shortcuts everywhere, tool tips all over. Every unit does different things and there are so many things that will happen in the next 10 turns. You need to know all of it and more. I guess it'll be a fantastic game if I can overcome this technical barrier.
One last thing. I got a new toy (: Finally bought a portable keyboard from Yamaha for over $300. I've been contemplating on whether I should invest in it for over 6 months now and I finally decided "Ah heck! Just get it". Now I can self-learn piano / keyboard (:
RaNDom: strawberry twilight.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Book in day... AGAIN ):
My life have never been more un-interesting.. I guess im in a low point of my life - a very very low point. My life is uneventful so here are the little updates i can squeeze out.
1. I collected my desktop from repair and sent it back a week ago -.-. I dont know what is wrong yet.
2. I bought a new clothe. 10bucks.
3. I sprained by waist. Actually its an old injury from my track & field days.
That is it i guess. 8 more weeks to go~
RaNDom: ):):):):):):):
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Why must we serve?
2 weeks has past in Arti. I take back everything I said about Arti or ASLC! Honestly, those were uninformed speculations. Now that I've been through 2 weeks of Arti, I must say both.. SUCKS!
Argh, Arti life is just a bit, so little more than stationary. Its just like school again, learning everything about some gun except the 'teachers' are insane and theres constant PT and FEAR throughout lessons. Sigh.. Theres 10 more weeks of this crap and it seems so freakin far away.
So what im up to recently? I've just got back to playing Maplestory. Sucks i know but there isn't really anything much more to do with the little free time I have. Im also playing Mouse Hunt from FB (:
ALright. Thats all ):
RaNDom: Nothing stops time!
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
So late!
Okay, so Im OUT of PLC. I've completed my Foundation term in SCS and now im posted to Arti! (Phew~). Arti is one of the vocation with the easier training. When I say easier i dont mean its easy at all but compared to the rest (like ASLC INF) its one of the better ones. Its like.. maybe i run 5km and they run 10km on a daily basis? Nah, im talking nonsense (;
Today is the last day of my blockleave (already..). As usual, it was not productive. I want to do soo many things but the amount of time I have is just not enough for me to commit. In the end I scrape the idea altogether. ):
Well, looking on the BRIGHT side, at least this week is a short week. Book-in Wed, Book-out Thurs. Hopefully Im not involved in AHM this coming Sunday.
RAnDom: Isn't it ironic? Short = 5 letters, Long = 4 letters. Short is longer than Long
Thursday, September 2, 2010
lose, loss, lost.
Just last week, the OCTs just completed their field camp. Unfortunately for a few of the, they misfired and are getting punished. What is the punishment? 14days RCP and 7 Extras. In lay terms, it means for the next 2 weeks they can't book out and for the following 7 weeks they'll only get to book out less than 24hours each week.. Thats sad ): But thats not all...
I have a particular friend, not only did he misfire but he also lost (and eventually found) an equipment which resulted in a 7 Extras punishment, which is on top of the 3 Extras he already owe. So technically for the next 2 weeks he'll have to stay incamp and for the next 17 weeks he books out for less than 24hours each week.. 5 months worth of punishment! )):
Now im tossing and turning in my bed, not being able to comprehend just how serious this is. 5 months of punishments is like... a quarter of NS? I can't think of anything to console this poor friend's soul. Somebody help me! Somebody help him!!
Well, im tossing and turning not entirely because of my friend's plight. Tomorrow im completing my Foundation term in SCS. I'll get to know my posting.. Whether i stay or get posted out. This posting result would determine how the rest of my army life would be - slack or xiong. Lets hope for the best ))):
RaNDoM: Christmas List.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Whats next?
Home, because I just completed some live firing and 28km overnight route march (or so they claim. I think its 34km). Today i had my visit to some club that is specially for us specialist (to-be). Since our performance was good, OC decides that we get to book in tomorrow 0700hrs! HURAY! (:
Laptop, because my desktop burnt. Diagnostic says that the power supply is spoilt and theres burnt marks on my graphic card and motherboard. ONLY my motherboard is still under warrenty so... I'd have to wait 4-5 weeks for my motherboard servicing AND spend $300-$400 on a new graphic card and power supply. Sigh..
Remember i re-contracted my handphone line? Yea. So using that i bought an iphone 4 and resold it off at a profit of about $400. Half of that goes to my bro cause he sealed the deal. Hopefully its enough to cover for my computer expenses.
This friday im getting my POSTING! *fingers crossed* Air Defence!
RandoM: Sleep Sleep Sleep
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Wrong Turn?
Earlier in the day, I was presented with the opportunity to cross the legendary bridge. It was something that I've been aiming for since the first day i stepped into Pasir Lebar camp and over the weeks i have worked hard towards it. When finally this right was bestowed to me, I, for some reason that i've yet to comprehend, REJECTED IT.
Yup, thats right. I rejected the cross over.
Im confused now. I don't know how im feeling. Seems im disappointed by my own choice. Disappointed that i gave up on this golden opportunity to prove myself worthy. Wasted all my efforts and hard work. Upset that I feel the me myself is incompetent in handling OCS training. Sigh..
RanDOM: wrong turn?
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
No fair!
Sigh.. So my coy just gave a nights out to those who re-took their ippt in the morning. Its not fair! We had to do our 3km run in the morning and THEY DIDNT HAVE TO. That pretty much balances the effort both parties put in.. So why them only?
Friday is SOC. I did my own training while the rest were doing their ippt or their SIB (Slack In Bunk) + tactical sleeping + one-third alert Observation post for Enciks. (Yes, i actually did MORE than the ippt peeps. Wheres my nights out?) The result of my training? I need an average of 2min to clear 400m. Sigh.. That means i really really really have to clear the obstacles super quickly.. Like a NINJA! (: Lets hope *Cross fingers*
Random: It rained!
Monday, August 23, 2010
- My computer fried. (yes, again. Spark and smoke.. Cool shit!)
- One more week to pass out from BSLC
- Need to get 9.30 for SOC to attempt crossover. Im at 16min now ):
- Foot rot. Yup, i have that o.O
- Changed my phone plan. Now i pay 50bucks less per month =D
- Im intending to buy iphone 4! (and sell it for profit ^^ )
- Was LSM for the whole of field camp week! Suay..
- Rain during my shell scrape night. Suay x2..
- I have nights out this week! Not sure which day though (Andrew you know what this means!)
- I spent $60+ on new clothes and a berm. I really like them (:
- I found out Andrew stopped blogging D= (there goes my internet entertainment)
- This Friday is my FINAL SOC.. nine thirty ARGH!
- I miss my cards. I just need to dribble them.. (damN! Can't bring them to camp..)
- Im worried.. Everyone is having prelims.
- I watched The Last Air Bender with Timo!
- I watched Liar Game with Clarence.
- I remember Bryan Hoe's IC number and his shoe size!
- Pay day is sooN! (okay, maybe not so soon but still.. PAY DAY!)
Well, thats what happened to me.. Not in order though. Hehe.. See you soon!
RaNDom: Wouldn't it be awesome if it rains....?
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Laugh, just laugh.
Laughing prevents you from getting into sticky situation. You can poke fun of someone with a smile on your face and a 'haha' between your sentence and you'd get away with it - even if those are feelings from the very core of you.
Laughing helps you get out of sticky situation. When you are completely embrassed for something stupid you did and it seems like the whole world has its attention on your stupidity, you could try and find a hole and hide your head or you could just simply laugh it off.
Laughing is a very important social skill. You need to laugh to mix. You can bring 2 people together but if they do not laugh together, chances are they won't last. Its the same for BGR, BFF, Best-whatever-you-like.
So laugh. Laugh at friends, laugh at girls, laugh at guys or at movies. Laugh at things or events or anything and everything. Laugh.. That is if you know how. I've forgotton how to laugh.
RaNdOM: (:
Sunday, August 8, 2010

Sunday, August 1, 2010
And life goes on...
Its really depressing for them im sure. They just got let out of camp approximately 36 hours ago after 3 weeks of confinement and now they are heading back to camp. Some call it hell, but it'll be their home for the next 3 months at the very least.
Just across the bridge from hell, lies heaven. Its not that there are angle halos or gods there, but relative to whats across the bridge its much peaceful here. Much much much more peaceful. That is where I reside. Strangely, even though its a known fact that life across the bridge is much more demanding, many here wants to cross it. To transcend from heaven to hell. They say those that survive hell become gods of their own world. Which is better? Heaven or Hell?
Sorry guys, I haven't updated this blog for a long time. Honestly, its not because i have no time. I have a laptop in camp and I can use it almost every night. There are just too many things happening that I don't know what to blog about. Well, in short, I got GOLD for IPPT, tried tear gas, know how to move about in jungle.. I guess thats it. Hopefully i'll update more.
Random: MOARRR
Monday, July 19, 2010
Testing, testing 1,2,3..
Okay, so as everyone should know by now, im posted to SCS a.k.a. SISPEC. Life here is much much much MUCH more easier than life in BMT. There are 2 hours lunch breaks, 4 hour admin times, freeflow of fruits, time for afternoon nap... So if anyone of you is any bit worried about me, please put your mind at ease. At least for now.. Until the step up the tempo (:
Right there i'd like to ask Andrew please text me or leave a comment when you see this. If you see this it means this would be one of the ways I can keep in contact with you since I HAVE INTERNET ACCESS HERE! And i look forward to seeing you soon (:
For the other people, i've got some brain stuff i'll be posting when im more free. I need to shower now (:
RAnDom: Bull-Bees
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Too much to think about nothing to do..
Emo post ahead. Read at your own risk.
Parental Guidance advised.
Ok, it sucks when it seems like you've got time but actually you don't. Just like block leave. It seems like you've got 1 week break but this 1 week is not enough to get anything done. Everything you try to do you've got to complete it within the 1 week. Its like some deadline or something. Feels like someone telling you "Okay, for the next 2 weeks you can make anything possible(magic or something). After that you're going to hell". Sigh..
Oh, before I forget, by popular demand:

So last sunday i met up with sean. Sean is a random dude i met in World of Warcraft 4 years back. Sunday was the first time i met him. Honestly, I expected him to be fat and green. Too bad he isn't ):
So here it is Sean! Your post.
So yesterday I got my posting result. Im going to SCS aka SISPEC. Honestly im quite upset. I've prep myself into thinking that OCS training is managable and 40 weeks would past quickly just so that if i get posted there at least mentally im ready. Well, i didnt get there. I wanted to join OCS so that I can impact my recruits next time. I guess no matter how significant or insignificant you are, you can still make a difference. I guess... or hope.
Im feeling super down now. They say its because im booking in on monday. Maybe.. Oh, and a random thought. People say you should accept yourself as who you are yet people constantly try to improve themselves. Is that a contridiction? I dunno.
Monday, July 5, 2010
Some day..
Seriously, I don't think my pop could get any worst. We woke up at 3am Friday morning for area inspection. I practically jumped off my bed because I thought I was late. I feel like i didn't sleep at all and my head is light and floating..
Next we embarked on our 24km road march. This 24km RM wasn't that bad because I was packed with food. On top of that I threw away many packs of item AND OC allowed music after 16km. Thanks Joseph for the speaker and ipod (:
Here comes the best part. 10 minutes after we completed our 24km RM, it started to pour, so we had to grab our FBO and run another 500m to some shelter. We waited there drenched and cold until 1545hrs before they confirmed that it will be wet weather programme. Wet weather programme means that the parade that we spent over 15 hours preparing, all our effort washed away by the rain. Not that it matters to me but I've got friends who were really excited to have their mum put on their caps for them. Anyway, we waited for about 45minutes for the truck to come and pick us up but it never arrived so we had to run another 500m to the parade square. Thats 1630hrs when we reached. Oh, and just FYI the parade is suppose to start at 1600hrs.
At the parade square, we found out form up area filled with parents. Sigh.. in the end they just placed my whole company behind every company. Oh, for other companies there were also some shuffle of their positions so all the parents couldn't find their own son. Superb planning.
So the wet weather parade lasted about 15 minutes and we did the BMTC RAWR, threw out jocky caps and went home. Effectively, all parents wasted at least 2 hour travelling just to wait another hour for the 15minute parade, than queue another hour for the ferry and another hour of travelling home. Most memorable POP.

You can see a close up of my epic scared face while im on one of the rides:

From Left the Right: Me, Clarence, Clarence's 2 brothers Derrick and Colin. Front is his Mum and Dad (:
Alright, got to go for breakfast now.
RanDOM: Some day is just a nicer way of saying never.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Brilliant Night!
Just came back from SJI Renaissance XVIII concert. It was a spectacular performance put up by the SJI Military Band. All the memories of SJI gushing back into me when the school rally was played and the Josephian pride re-ignited along with Hail SJI. $15 was worth it for me but not sure if it was for ZH, but anyhow thanks ZH for spending your night with me.
Guess what people.. I have enlisted for 9 weeks. The coming Friday I am going to pass out from BMT! Im not sure what I am excited about since its passing from one hell hole to another - and perhaps into a bigger one - but I guess at least something is happening. On top of that, I get 1 week block leave after POP (:
To me, BMT was awesome. It sucked when you are going through the tough times, meeting ridiculous timing doing superman physical training and out of the world punishments but now that everything is over and you look back, it was actually a blast. I guess the best memories are the toughest moments in life.
Days ahead are gloomy. I have another 20 months of NS to serve and the next phase is going to be the worst i'll ever have in life, be it unit, SCS or OCS. Unit would be repetition for 20 months, SCS would be 5 months of even tougher training with 32km road march and 2 months worth of outfield. For OCS, it'll be 9 months of extreme hardship with little civilian time and close to 4 months of outfield , not forgetting super duper uber imba training. It really sucks but im sure it'll be like my BMT days - you feel like crying when you're in it and feel like crying when you're out.
There are many many people i want to extend my appreciation to. They helped me pull through my BMT days and made it awesome.
Zheng Hao
Sean Tan
Everyone in Zulu company
Less than 3 you guys(:
Random: Reborn
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Don't worry! This blog won't close down so soon. If it ever is going down I'll be sure to let all of you know. There were not updates for soooo longgg because I really didn't have the ability to do it. I've just been through field camp(6D5N) + Misfiring + 100m Range + 5 days SOL (for misfiring) + <24 hours bookout + 12km RM + SITEST(3D2N) + 16km RM. Finally, i get to rest now and i can update you guys (:
Im quite happy for this blog. I know there are people checking it regularly because someone actually texted me and complained that i didn't update my blog. Thanks guys for supporting this nonsense of mine.
2 more weeks and POP-LOH! Not really looking forward to it. POP marks the end of bmt and the begining of even more hardship. Sigh, this 2 years is gonna be tough!
Oh, by the way Toys Story 3 is a MUST WATCH movie. I've never felt my 2 hours past by so fast. It is super entertaining, packed with action and spiced with some touching scenes. Good movie, though its not worth to watch in 3D still.
Random: Purple
Friday, May 28, 2010
Care beyond respect.
1. I got my computer back (YAY!)
2. I got an external hard disk
3. Im stuck on the island for 10 days starting Monday, so no post next weekend ):
So in camp i found a huge huge problem with myself.
I love my friends. They are the essence of my life, the reason for my living. There is no greater joy than to spend time with my friends. What is the point of having shit load of time, money or anything without having friends? It isn't fun playing games with yourself, shopping with yourself, eating with yourself.
Friends being so important, i care very much about them. It really sucks to see your friend hurt, physically, mentally or emotionally. As much as possible I try to make everyone around me feel as good as I can make them feel, and i look out for them as much as I can. Its just sometimes (many times rather), my care goes beyond respect.
Care beyond respect is like your mum insisting to hold your hand to cross the road so that you won't fall while crossing. Its like your dad stalking you while you're on the phone or on a date. Its like insisting to help your friend even when they strongly do not want to. I always fall into this trap.
Early this week, one of my buddy was vomitting in the washroom. He said he was okay and wanted to push on for the activities but i had a strong urge to sound off to the commanders in-charge. I constantly have trouble balancing Care and Respect for a friend.
Tell me how.
Random: 1st coy!
Saturday, May 22, 2010
So much yet so little
BOO! I can't believe it. I called all of my closer buddies last night to ask them out for breakfast and chillax today but all of them are unavailable! 2 of them have extra training, my cousin have range so he gotta stay in camp and another dude had to do guard duty. What is the point of having my weekend when everyone else doesn't?
BOO BOO! My comp is still not back. Not that i can't use this laptop but i really prefer using my CPU. With it i can have 2 screens, update my iTouch, download stuff etc. I've sent it for repair because of a motherboard failure and it has been away for more than a month! What is taking so long?
BOO BOO BOO! I'll have to return to my 2nd home tomorrow. Time out is sooo short! The weekend feels like an insignificant fraction as compared to the weekdays. Why can't the weekends be weekdays and vice versa?
YAY! At least i managed to go out today. I watched the movie "Away" at The Cathay Picturehouse. It was my first time catching a movie at Picturehouse. I still prefer the normal theater though. Oh, and the movie is decent.
YAY YAY! I'll probably (hopefully) get my comp back next week. Not much use since i'll not have much time out next weekend since i'll have to spend 5.5 days in the jungle the week after so i'll have to return to the island early to prepare. Still, at least i have my equipment back so I dont have to worry.
YAY YAY YAY! Next week is a short week! Friday is a public holiday so i'll get to come out earlier. Its not exactly a long weekend since i'll have to return early but still. short week is a good week. Its easier to pass. Also next week there'll be more physical activities. Finally i get to run (:
RanDOm: So much to think about nothing to do.
Friday, May 21, 2010
So I spent another 5 days on a deserted island with a couple of people. During these few days, some stuff happened. Some people are born leaders, and I always thought i could lead. I guess I can't. Leading not just require doing things effectively but the most important thing is to be able to get people together, motivate them. I lack social skills ):
I really envy other sections. Their members are all so bonded together. I think its because there is someone who can bind them together. For me, i fail at it. I really admire these people:
Section 2 - Shao Wei (YJ)
Section 3 - Toon Ee (Tony)
Section 4 - Joseph
Of course there are many many others that plays a huge role but these 3 (IMO) did the most. I hope i'll be able to be more like them.
RanDOm: State of the art technology. WTF is that?!
Sunday, May 16, 2010
day in, day out.
Sunday is my book-in day ): Later on today i'll need to go back to camp for another week of i-don't-know-what. Now i understand why people gets Sunday blues. Actually life in camp isn't that bad. The activities are do-able, food eat-able. Its just you are not free-able. The one thing i miss the most when i am in there is the time i have at night. I finally comprehend that time is a scarce resource.
Time is really an annoying thing. It passes super fast when you are outside and snails away when you are in camp. It feels like there is a chronosphere surrounding camp. There is one thing that i like about time though, and that is it never stops. No matter how bad the situation gets, time still keeps going. Soon, i'll be out again (: Till then,
Random: 5 more days to book out day~
Friday, May 14, 2010
Survival: Tekong Edition.
Okay. So according to the organizer of Survival: Tekong Edition, im not allowed to disclose any information. Seems like i can be charged for doing it. Then again, I can be charged for doing many many things too (like listening to mp3). Guess i'll have to watch what i do.
Well, just a sneak review for all the boys who need to participate in this Survival, basically its just physical activity throughout. Just imagine school with PE lessons only. No Physics, Chemistry, Math, Econs, GP. No breaks. Oh, and imagine that school now is twice as long as it is now. That is how Survival: Tekong is like. Then again, the physical activities are all manageable so you don't have to prepare now. Prepare for your 'A' Levels.
Yay, i managed to survival 17 days straight. Finally got back to mainland and i can smell and taste the freedom in the air. This is flavour that is taken for granted for most people. Enjoy it.
I'll probably fill you guys in about some stuff later this week. Till then,
Random: Purple light!
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Last moments.
Defence of The Ancients a.k.a. DoTA. Thats a game i play very often (maybe too often). Its interesting to see how a game develops a person - Some adults develop their passion for buildings by playing LEGO when they were young; Some developed business minds by playing Monopoly; Some love English through Scrabble; And become terrorist because of Counter-Strike. What is more interesting (IMO) is how playing a game reflects a person. Recent DoTA games made me realize that I scream at, loathe, despise lousy players. Players that do not put in their fair share of effort or corporation resulting inevitability to our defeat. Im so furious and mad at them that when i look back I feel ashamed. My character is really bad.. Really really bad. Its like I'd do what Hitler did and kill all the 'undesirables', shoot them or smoke them. Actually i think i would. Don't judge me though.
DoTA aside, today is my last day as a slacker. After my A level exams, i've done nothing productive. I never found a job, never picked up a skill, never saved a life. Alas, all things (good or bad) must come to an end, and slacking too. Tomorrow morning i'll begin my National Service. For all those non-Singaporeans or Too-Young-to-Bother Singaporeans, this means i'll only have my weekends for the next 2 years. To be honest right now im nervous. Scared probably. Its uncharted territory in my life! What do you expect?
Don't worry people. I'll probably do fine. I'll try to look at the brighter side of things, aim higher than the sky, follow the route my friend (Bryan Hoe) has taken, and set the bars for those that follow. You can pray for me (:
Random: When you step into uncharted territory, you need Faith. When Faith comes into play, God follows.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
So my desktop fried some time back. According to the technician, my motherboard died. I guess my MSI P35 Neo2 - FR board got a bios corruption. Now its being sent back to the factory for repair since its still under warranty (zz i didnt send in my warranty card..). Hope i dont incur additional cost. NS boys are poor! Oh, just a word of warning to people reading, if you are using the same motherboard as me DO NOT UPDATE YOUR BIOS. Apparently the new bios patch released is corrupted and it kills your comp.
Since my desktop died, I have to resort to using my laptop. This piece of metal is .... I think its speed is like tortoise^snail. I just did some cleanup yesterday so hopefully it works now (:
That post is original down to the very fullstop okay! Haha, i guess you heard me talk about it before somewhere, or maybe i repeated my thoughts from post wayyy back. Ah well, i tend to repeat myself (:
Thursday, April 22, 2010
So like on tuesday, I met my ogl for dinner. He told me that I won't be released from army on Labour day. I guess this is real bad news cause that means I'll be confined for the full 14days. That quite bad news for me, not that I have anything to do mainland but I guess it'll be good to have a day off. 4 more days to ns ): hope all goes well.
I'm gonna try go sleep now. This small screen and dark room is spoiling my eyes!
raNdOM: iBanking
Monday, April 19, 2010
Dear Andrew, ...
This post is dedicated to Andrew, who enlisted into National Service this morning.
Dear Andrew,
Sorry for putting up a post this late. I wanted to do this for quite some time already but I never managed to do it. I guess you'll have to wait till weekends to see this (:
Finally, NS is here. I know that you have always been very negative about this 'serving the nation' thing. Actually, most people are too. Objectively, it is a waste of time because NS disrupts our lives. We'd be 2 years behind everyone else in the world, which really isn't an advantage.
However, i think you should look at the bright side. This 2 years is a nice getaway from our rigid repetitive mugging life. It gives us think to think and reflect on what we truly want before jumping straight into it. It could also be a good getaway from civilization, from all the distractions that technology poses.
Regardless of how you view it, this 2 years is fixed. You'll have to spend this 2 years no matter how strict, regimental, slack, boring it is. So here is my take - Make the best out of it. Don't be too negative about things, hold back your pride and ego a little. This way, NS wouldnt be as bad. It may be smooth sailing, or even exciting!
Right now, I can't say for certain. It'd be my turn next week. For now, and for years ahead, I wish you all the best. May this experience be one that you'd enjoy, foster bonds, refine yourself and that you may leave NS happier, stronger and better.
Best Regards,
19th April '10
random: UHUUUU Glueee.
Mayday concert.
So I went to Mayday's concert last saturday. It was at Singapore National Stadium. (Oh btw, S.H.E was having their concert next door at the Singapore Indoor Stadium). Well, past Mayday concerts that i attended was held in the Singapore Indoor Stadium and it was all not bad so I expected this to be as good as before.
The first intelligent thing i did was to wear a long sleeve think shirt. I somehow remembered that the concert is outdoor this time so i didnt wear jeans but somehow i forgot for my top. That wasnt just that. I was in my flops (slippers), which was really bad because my seat is right infront of the stage on the grass patch and it rained quite heavily that afternoon. My flops were dyed brown after the concert.
Apart from my own stupidity, the concert wasnt as good as previous ones too. First was going in. The ticket states that its 7.30PM but by the time we got into the stadium, its already 8.30PM. I think it is due to the fact that there were only 3 entrances and there were nothing put up to say which is which and where is where. So confusing. In the end, in order to start the concert any later, the laxed the security, dropped bag checks and some didnt even check tickets.
After i got into the stadium i thought i should visit the washroom first so i wont have to go later. Guess what, the washroom was 15 temporary washrooms at the back of the stadium. I can't find pictures to show you but it was really... pathetic. Whats worse was that in front of each toilet were like more than 10 people queueing up to use it. I think that Guinness World Record for the most number of people waiting to use the washroom!
So the main concert was about the same as the last concert they had. I could identify footages that were being reused. I guess they didn't really put in much effort for this concert. The worst part of it all is that they ended rather early this year. 11.30PM may be late for some of you people but past concerts would last till at least 12 midnight. This $177 was quite a disappointment ):
Regardless, I still like Mayday. Their lyrics never fail to amaze me. I'll still go for their next concert if everything permits (:
RanDom:I really really have nothing random to say.
Worst day evar~ UPDATES!
Right now, I have 3 post i want to do because they are all important so lets start with what happened today than work backwards.
Today really suck, big time. I woke up thinking that my computer would work after giving it a night of rest. I am wrong. I guess its going on a strike on me for abusing it - overworked, underpaid. Argh, all my data is still in it and i have yet to back up my files. Hope i don't lose them! Oh, if you're wondering, Im on my laptop now, but im not really used to the configurations and stuff so it is kinda hard to use. *sigh*
Since my main computer refuse to wake up, I decided to go for my weekly swim. It was when i boarded the train on my way to the public pool that i remembered I DID NOT BRING MY GOGGLES! Damn!
So before I went to the pool, i dropped by Subway for lunch. It was finally my turn when i found out THERE WERE NO MEAL. I have no idea why there are no meals today but it really added on the my unluckiness. Oh, and there were only mustard, honey mustard and ketchup. No sweet onion, no southwest, no mayo.. Still, i had my lunch. Dang~
So i thought i was good enough to swim without my goggles on. I mean, who needs goggles? Im not a kid, i won't drown. Well, thats what i thought. No, i didnt drown, not even close but i really had a hard time swimming because i cannot see where i was going and i cannot see where the end of the pool was. Having such an unpleasent experience, i left 20min after i started. ZzZ..
After that i went home, thinking that since I have no computer and I didnt really exercise much, maybe i should hit the gym. When I reached home, i took a nap and the next thing i know, its raining. Like seriously!
What an excitingly awesome day i have today. *sigh*. One more week to enlistment.
RanDOM: I don't think I can think of 3 random things..
Friday, April 16, 2010
Today was not that good of a day. Let me recount:
First, i went to NTU for an interview for Business course. Despite my ridiculous result, im still called down for an interview. I guess most of the credit goes to my "Game theory and competition" course i took in SMU (Ironically this is the same reason i'll not get selected), considering most of the questions were pertaining to it. So after I've done my written assessment (Topic: My passion), i was sent to a room with a lady and a man waiting for me. Well, the interview went pretty smoothly until I enlighten then that my "Game theory and competition" course is from SMU. From here it went downhill.
Man: What?! Since when SMU is quallified to teach Game Theory? *Sneer*
Woman: I guess they now have quallified professors to teach it.
Man: But Game Theory is so heavy on math.
Me: Yea. But i took it as an Economics module...
Man: Still, its math intensive!
*Man point at the course name with a dismissing swinging of his hand*
Man: So this "Game theory and competition" course.. Its does not reflect anything at all.
Ahh.. Politics. So, Im sure you know what happens from here. I think I didn't screw up the interview so maybe they did. And i thought the smarter one gets the more gracious he becomes.
After the interview, I somehow managed to meet up with my family and had a little chat. More like me ranting about how WTF the interview is. Seriously, WHAT IS WRONG WITH THEM? ARGH~~
Next up was to meet Yuqi and Timo for dinner. Its Yuqi's wayyy belated Birthday celebration thingy. Well, both of them were late so i had to wait like 2 hours for them. *sigh* If you're wondering, we settled for MOS burger. Hey, im not cheapskate! Yuqi wanted it. And see what i got him.

A Granola box. A can of Mug. A bottle of Brands essence of chicken. A thumbdrive. A duct tape wallet. Some photos. Well, this may seem like WOW of a present for i Yuqi got another wallet for his Birthday already AND the thumbdrive originally belonged to him so... yea. Epic Phail for me.
Well, thats the recounting part and here is the profound deep intellectual philosophical part of this blog post. Expectations. Everyone has expectations for everything - movies, presents, friends. When things fall short of your expectations, you get disappointed and sometimes furious. That is so odd because as you become better friends, your expectations of the friend increases and they because of that they tend to disappoint you more. In worst case, you go seperate ways. In summary: Friends > Better Friends > Raise Expectations {/loop} > The end of friendship.
I dont know if that is the case for you but from what I see, its rather sad ): If you have any suggestions of opinions on how to no fall into that loop(as both parties), do let me know. Thats all for now. Bye!
RanDom: Happy Birthday Yuqi. I know it wasn't the BEST but still i hope it was good (:
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
What Education Did.
Do you remember awhile back i talked about jumping into conclusion? Yea, I have this problem. Well initially i thought it was a problem. It is real unfair to the people around me whenever I concluded the wrong thing, and sometimes i can be very bias and extreme. If you look at this 'problem' from another angle, i guess im just NOT a victim of education as yet.
Apart from making people skeptical, education equips us with the ability to see an issue from various angle. That IS a good thing but not when people dont get it and start seeing EVERY isssue from EVERY angle. It greys right and wrong. Lets have some examples.
context: John is irresponsible.
event : John is late.
conclusion: He didnt leave house early.
Well, for this case John could have met with an accident, saw a black cat, forgot his keys, miss the bus etc etc etc but isn't it most logical to conclude that he just dont value punctuality and left his house late?
Context: John has expressed interest to the class chairperson on all class events but is always left out.
Event: John is left out from a class outing.
conclusion: The class chairperson (or the class) doesnt want John to be present.
Well, this is also a logical conclusion that I would make although people would tell me "maybe the class chairperson forgot?" or "They thought you didnt want to go.." or "They thought you already knew.."
Well, what I am saying is not everything should be viewed from multiple angles. I understand this and am accused for jumping into conclusions every now and than but from where i see it now, I dont think i am wrong. And i thought he was more mature because he could see from more viewpoint. Bullshit!
Random: sad sad life.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
The higher you go, the more you look down.
So today i didnt do my usual monday swim but rather went to hang out at Bryan's place, together with Zhai, Clar, James, Mugen. We started off with playing squash, which after like 1 hour some kids booked the squash court to play badminton ): We then headed to the pool for a little swim and some frisbee/ball. We than had a dip and went to Bryan's place for some CS, Transformer, dinner, cards. Overall, the day was awesome EXCEPT..
Well, we were playing a card game. Don't know the name (texas or soemthing) but I have no clue how that game was played. That wasn't very well recieved by some people in the group which made me feel real sucky. I guess that was a common game that everyone should know since everyone except me could play it but i see no reason to.. i don't know. ); ); );
So i got home from Bryan's place after an hour+ train ride and started DoTA-ing until about now. Even though we lost almost every game, it was great fun. Not sure why but i really enjoyed the games tonight.
A few days back, while DoTA-ing again, my cousin pointed out that "You're becoming more and more like *Someone's Name*". Well, what he meant was i was being pissed at a noob in my team and started blaming him etc etc etc. It could be arrogant of some sort. This made me realize that being humble is not simple. Being humble is not only when you suck at it and admit, not only when you're good at it and don't boast, but also give newbie a hand and not flame them when they do suck. Ah well, guess i've gotta learn.
random: You're in my hand.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
New Wallet!
My new wallet is not exactly the best wallet. It isn't even a good wallet. Originally, my new wallet is suppose to have 8 card slots (4 on each side), 2 hidden compartment and 2 note compartment - thats the same as my old wallet. Well, after screwing up the dimensions and drawing my lines non-perpendicularly, 2 card slots are too shallow to place cards and one notes compartment is too shallow to place notes -.-
In the end, I guess i still changed my wallet because i spent 3 hours constructing it and even though it sucks, its still the fruits of my labour (: Just like God loves the weirdos. So techinically i downgraded my wallet. It isn't that bad a thing though cause Im going to NS real soon and holding a CK wallet is looking for trouble. Well, that is if a white wallet is less attention seeking...
random: Honey is bee shit!
Saturday, April 10, 2010
POP lo!!.
POP means that the soldier boys have 1 week of block leave before they get posted. It means I can meet timo more. Yay! Today is the first and we went to watch "Clash of the Titans". Well, the movie is as usual disappointing BUT its still great fun hanging out.
Well, if you are following my blogs, this may be a sad news for you. Im about to enlist in 2 weeks time. I'll only be let out on weekends so you'll probably get updates at max twice a week - that is IF i can find the time to do this. Ah well, i guess it can't be helped. Botak here i come~
RanDom: Maf have big biceps!
Friday, April 9, 2010
Level Up

So knowing this, here is the BIG question. Which job/class/race/hero do you want to be? You can only level up in certain areas in life. You can pick up a few professions/talents/skills but eventually you'll reach a level cap. 25 for DoTA. 80 for WoW. ?? for life.

Random: Pichu, Pikachu, Raichu, Pikablue, Pikafat, Pikabear, Pika!
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Trying new stuff

Oh, and if you are wondering, i did draw it hence the ugly drawing and weird orientation. I copied it off the book "Diary of a wimpy kid". Dont sue me pleaseeee ):
Hey. I was thinking when i enter NS i'd probably be easier if i post vlogs (video or voice). I guess majority of my fans are against it ):
Ah well. If you're reading let me know anything about this post.
Random: a,e,i,o,u. English, HYPY, Jap.
Its NOT a diary.
That was the main character of 'Diary of a wimpy kid'. I just watched the film yesterday. It isn't that good so unless you're rich and free, there are better things to do.
So in the film, Greg Heffley has this best friend Rowley Jefferson. Rowley is just an idiotic dumbass. He does weird things, wears weird things, have weird sense of humor, unlike the main character Greg who is relatively more normal, except he tries too hard. One day Greg broke Rowley's hand which brought attention to Rowley. Soon, Rowley became famous.
I really dont understand how and why Rowley is so popular in school. He really is one big weirdo. And the best part is when he gets all popular in school and stuff, he doesnt give his best friend Greg a little push whatsoever. This really frustrates me.
People says that its the best to 'just be yourself', but what if being yourself is the worst? Its like.. Its the best to be the worst. And its also irritating to see in real life how social retards or intellectual morons sometimes gets all the attention. How did it happen?!
RaNdom: Wow.. Everyone knows me now. Its like, im famous or something.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Rich, Poor.
I've just spent a huge portion of my Chinese New Year bounty on an iPod touch 32GB! I've been considering this purchase for quite some time now and i FINALLY did it. Feels like i've grown up (or down).
So while im setting up my computer to work my iTouch, here is 10 reasons to convince myself that i did not waste too much money.
1. I have no mp3 player. I need one anyway.
2. iTouch allows me to watch video.
3. It can act as a game console of some sort, though i think the games are kinda boring.
4. Besides games, there are still other application, which i may (or may not) use.
5. You can wi-fi the net on the move, for whatever the reason.
6. It can be brought to NS camp, which i wont because im afraid it gets stolen.
7. I finally get to sleep well. I've been sleepless for nights considering to buy or not to buy.
8. I look cool. Like, Cool with a capital 'C'. From cool ---> Cool!
9. Its a rite of passage for me.
10. I can't think of anymore reasons.
Believe or not, this is actually my first BIG purchase with my own money. You could say the first 'you-don't-reall-need-it' item i bought. I built my own computer for about $1.2k, half paid my my dad. The next biggest thing would be shoes for $100+, and i only do buy when my other pair of shoe is unwearable (no such word, i know). Its a big step for me. Strangely though, i feel guilty now. Weird.
random: I got an orange *fruit* *fruit*, that tonights gonna be a good night.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Consumer Sovereignty
Today morning, my family (extended) and I went to some restaurant in Orchard Ion 4F for breakfast/lunch/grandmother-birthday-celebration. The food was horrible for the price and place. It sounded like a very good foodplace so my expectation was pretty high and im thoroughly disappointed. We started with dim sum (spellcheck!), which was so-so. Tangling cc serve much much better dim sum IMO. Much cheaper too. Next was the main dishes, which were all too salty. Tooooooo salty. It was so salty that it made sea water plain. Like all singaporeans would, we complained to the manager!
Well, the manager replied something like "Eh, different people have different taste preference. Some like a stronger flavor, others lighter. Would you like us to replace it for you or cancel it from the bill?" And here is the best part. My Aunt went like "Eh, replace? What if its still too salty? Cancel? Thats like 3 main dishes. We're all still hungry!" So the manager stood there for about 5 minutes repeating her 2 only options waiting for us to decide. AWKWARD~
OMG Aunt, WHAT do you want the poor manager to do? She can only 1.replace 2. cancel. Thats all! My aunt said that 'she didnt even apologise" and "She is making it seems like we're picky, so i shall be picky!" "I've been at her position" "Customer is always right". I say she was being mean, letting off some steam on the poor manager for the bad food provided my the restaurant.
So heres the BIG question. Why is "Customer always right"? Is it because we pay? I cant think of any other reasons. And cmon, we pay for the FOOD, and +10% service charge for the RESTAURANT. The poor waiter/waitress dont get the money. So why are we right? Even to let off steam on them? Yes when they wear the uniform they represent the company, but you represent Singapore! Cut the some slack. Give them Kit Kat!
raNdom: Dry ice + hot water = cool shit!
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Random, Random, Night Cycling.
Friday was fantastic. Its a public holiday so everyone is free and i got to meet almost everyone. First, it was meeting timo, clar and ZH in town. While waiting, i bumped into Neil, Wee and Yuqi.. And JT.
Well, timo, clar, zh and i wanted to catch a movie but i guess there were too many deprived recruits just released to mainland so we couldnt get tickets. We then decided to find lem at pomo. The next few hours, we were searching lan shops, walking from cathay to pomo and back and back and... Yea. Wasting time. Finally, we met up with lem and together with lem's cousin (darren), we had dinner and ended up at the escalator talking nonsense, blocking people etc etc etc.
Whats cool was that i bumped into people from Hope (church) who asked me to join their easter outreach, which i invited them down for Bartley's outreach! There didnt come anyway so yea ):
The very same night, i went with my churchies for night cycling anf ECP! Well, it was meant to be a surprise celebration for Ming Hui. I think we really surprised her that a 3 person night cycling event became a 16 person gathering. So we cycled for about 4 hours and now my ass still hurts from the solid-cusion seat. I sneaked away the next morning while the others are still ZzZz away.
Here goes:
Thanks S and M for organizing the event.
Thanks everyone that went
Happy Birthday Ming Huiiiiii
It was really fun. Im going to catch the ZzZzZZz now.
RandOm: I love my meow~
Friday, April 2, 2010
Bitter, Sour, Red, Green.
1. Only 1 person reads my blog
2. None wants me to continuing doing this nonsense.
TOO BAD~ Im going to plague the world with my stuff that doesnt make sense.
Have you felt this? Having a friend that is not your friend? Or your friend finds another friend and leave you alone? Sucks ain't it? Yea.
So i've been bitter and red because i always get excluded from activities. My teacher once said that if you count what you have, you have everything, but if you count what you don't have, than you have nothing. I guess i always get excluded because i only count the times im excluded, but regardless, why am i excluded in the first place?
Sour, green, when after the events, you hear your 'pals' talk about what they did (without you). It sucks. And i thought we were friends, no?
Its really ironic, when you see people try to 'keep in contact' with less familar 'friends' by meeting up for meaningless meals once every red moon (red is more rare than blue) when the very same person excludes his friends (no inverted commas) from his activities in overlapping social circles. Superficial aint it? You go through great lengths to make friends and throw them aside when u get it. I'd rather remain in the inverted commas.
rAndom: """""""""""""""""""me""""""""""""""""""""""
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Mother's Words
Those are my Mother's words (maybe copied from somewhere).
RanDom: -ardmwtfscnengcmspso
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Carry the team.
Recently i've been playing a lot of team games. I mean i've been playing dota, a team game, a lot. This makes me wonder if it is possible to carry a team, if so how good must you be? It starts to irritate me because i've been losing games after games not because i didnt play well, rather i played my best, but my teammates dont play well. Well, this just means that my 'best' cannot carry my other teammates which is grrrrr! Examples.
1. Before a leaver leaves, he buys random stuff, destroy and leave, leaving no gold / item for us.
2. When feeding, AFK.
3. When feeding, play a fool like using kotl to teleport you to random places.
If you translate it to basketball, it'll be like
1. Before your teammate gets called out of court, he pours all ur water away, kills ur coach, throw your shoes away, than leave.
2. When a member cant defend the opponent, he stands there and do nothing.
3. When a member cant defend the opponent, he pulls down the pants of his teammates when they try to jump and throw shoes at them.
Actually, i think it is impossible to carry the team. No matter what game or what sport, if its team based there is no way anyone can make up for another person. If anyone could than the other person should never exist. Still, i want to be able to carry my dota team because there are too many people who shouldnt exist existing in the dota community. If i want to win (who doesnt), i'll have to be me x2 or x3. Im addicted.
random: I would like to visit the moon, on a rocketship high in the air.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Hmm.. You look
I find it funny when people say im fit. It is probably the joke of the century! Let me put this straight in your face. According to NAPFA (National Physical Fitness Assessment), to be fit you must be able to do the following decently well.
1. do pull ups - lift your body weight
2. Sit-and-Reach - Be flexible
3. run 2.4km - to have stamina
4. do shutter run - to have speed
5. do standing broad jump - to be a rabbit
Sorry to disappoint you people but
a. I can do 2 pull ups only, 3 maybe if a girl is looking, 4 if a bunch of them but i cant do 5 even if they all
b. Anyone that knows me knows i cant stretch. I guess its because i was a sprinter.
c. i clear 2.4km at 12.20 which suck, really.
d. I can run this well, cause i sprint!
e. Jumping sux cause i cant coordinate my body for moment em. Suck too ):
So yea, as you can see im really not THAT fit. Im not saying i can't do shit but seriously! That is no where near fit.
So, just because im tall, dark and handsome(!) doesnt mean im sporty, fit and buff or anything near it. I just so happen to have big-bone genes + skinny so it seems i have a huge build. Oh, and short, white, ugly, fat people can be much much fitter than me. Dont look down on them!
random: Stary Stary night..
Monday, March 22, 2010
It depends...
I thought this was just a problem in a few individuals but now it seems my view takes the minority role. Everytime i ask a question the answer i get is "It depends..." or "It is relative...". Just yesterday over dinner, i asked if guys prefer going out with guys or girls. Well guess what? the reply is "It depends.."! My friend said if the particular guy had bad experiences with girls than they may prefer hanging out with guys. Well, i definitely can't say he is wrong but wouldn't you give a definite answer that is generally the case? Like for this case guys.
This statement "It is easier for lighter guys to do pull ups than heavier guys" was strongly disagreed (such word?) upon by my cousin. He says "No, its equal, provided they have the same muscle composition by % mass". Well, i dont know if that is right or wrong BUT generally isnt it not that likely that they have the same muscle composition? I mean we are subjected to the same environment of lifting the same stuff (pencil, books, tables, basketball, whatever) hence our muscle in the natural environment is such that we can withstand about the same amount of weight for all individual HENCE if you're lighter you'll have less to make up for and easier time pulling yourself up? I dont know about you but i think this is more true generally but why do people like to argue with those "special" exceptional cases?
The most recent post on Andrew's blog talked about MLM "exploiting" the people or something. Andrew's comment on my comment was that we have opposing viewpoints because we are taking different perspectives on the same issue. I beg to differ! Rather, it feels more like we were talking about different issues altogether! Making money is one of the fundamental objective of ALL human beings, that is because you need money for everything in the world. Don't tell me cliche stuff like "No, you can buy love without money!". Yes you may, but chances are you can't. We've seen too many cases of families breaking up because of the lack of money. There is no wrong in having money as an objective and no wrong providing what the market wants. "Exploit" you may say but it fulfills the consumers, still win-win, so where the "exploitation" ? Although of course i still do agree with Andrew that the social consequence is bad, it sure doesn't seem to me that most rich people do bad things with money. And yes, as the old saying goes, its not the beginning or the end but the process that is of the essence and hence if the way you think is wrong (like donating to obtain fame) than its wrong. Overall, this has nothing to do with Economics, Business nor Psychology.
I've always been judged for being too extreme in viewpoint or jumping into conclusion, but aren't things black or white? The region of grey seems to be extending outwards to the whole spectrum and eventually will swallow it whole. When wrong can be justified to be right and right can be framed to be wrong, how do you distinguish right from wrong? Well, it depends...
RandoM: How many meh meh jump over the wall?
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Victim of Marketing.
I feel so stupid. Well, partly because of my results, but what makes me feel even stupider is the fact that i used the word 'stupider' because theres no such word. No. What makes me dumber is that i always, ALWAYS fall victim to marketing.
Have you received cards from food outlets where they give you a stamp for every some value spent and you get to exchange the fully stamped card for a free dish or something? Yea. Every time i walk around shopping centre, i'd try to buy a medium yumi yogurt because if you fill the card you get a medium one free. One stamp is $4 spending and the card has 12 boxes. That is to say you spend about $48 for a free $4 - an 8.33% saving, or rather a waste of 48 bucks! Well, it wouldnt be a waste if yumi yogurt was a necessity, just like the stickers thing from shop and save.
Next is when i walk around i'd try to go to ichiban sushi because of its card too. This time its $20 spending for a stamp and theres loads of goodies looted in the card BUT i could have spent the money eating something else and not there! Im not saying the food is not good but it just makes me want to go there all the time. ARgH~
So very often i get tricked by these marketing nonsense - arcade card points, membership points, loyalty points etc etc. The best is still the "Buy 2 @ $1.95" and i'd buy 2 even though i only needed one. Guess what, 2 for $1.95, 1 for $1.00. So i effectively saved 5 cents - or rather spent an additional 95 cents on something i dont need!
This is why I want to take business in university and one day i'd be using these nonsense to scam stupid people like me! Until than, im still dumb. Baka~
RanDom: Bananas, Pineapples, orange grows on trees!
Saturday, March 13, 2010
You see the limit!
ARGH! So bored! Its yet another sunday, just like any other sundays. Today im going to blog about limits. I've had this idea in me for quite some time - you could say its one of my philosophy of life.
Limit. It marks the furthest you can go. Your limit is $100 a week, because thats what you get. You can't exceed that. Your limit is 2 distinction, because thats what your brain can handle. Anymore it goes BOOM. Your limit is 3 days with a new pack of cards, because your hand sweats like made and the cards become soggy after that. Your limit is 2 plates of chicken rich. Those are limits.
Aims. It is what you want to achieve. You aim to earn $20k / month. You aim to dunk. You aim for a scholarship. You aim for the sky - and the sky is the limit! Wait, lets re-look at this statement:
You aim for the sky - and the sky is the limit.
Well, if you take a closer look, it means:
Your aim is your limit
Yes. Thats what it says. Many times, you miss your target (all the time for me), other times you hit a bullseye. None of the times have you managed to go beyond. It is not because you're aiming the maximum hence you can't go higher, but rather your aim becomes the maximum. There is no maximum!
Thats what i see, or at least trying to see. Nothing is impossible. Never have an aim in life, for that will limit your life. Constantly improve what you are aiming at, furthur and furthur. Why aim to earn $20k a month wage? Dont earn wage, earn profits! Dont be an employee, be an employer. You can only go as far as you can see, so how far can you see? Can you see the end? I can't see far, so i want to see furthur. I dont want to see the end because theres no end. I want to see far.
RaNDom: Konnichiwa, watashi wa Tomo desu. Hajimemashite!
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Facebook Up in the Air!
Earlier today - or yesterday considering its already past 12 - I went with the churchies to catch up in the air. Nope, we didnt catch up in the air. We went to catch 'Up in the Air' the movie. I must say the movies is not bad! One of the better movies i've watched. 4/5 stars if i'd rate it. If you have spare cash and time, this is quite a good place to spend it on (:
raNDOm: Eyes on me
Sunday, March 7, 2010
So I've got my results. I did decent, enough to get into a local university but im disappointed.
First, i underperformed again. I could have done better. I mis-counted the number of questions in one of my papers and allocated too much time for other questions and none to one. As a result, i left 11 marks blank. Im sure i would have done better if i had done the last 11 marks. Too bad i didnt.
Second, i let my teacher down again. I once told him to stop bothering me for my tutorials. I'd score 3 dist for him. Well, in the end i didnt score the dist for his subject ): Well, he knew i had potential, just like my SJI teachers knew, but again i let them down.
Third, I couldnt prove my worth. Back in 'O' Levels i did decent too but its just not what i expected. I thought it was a blunder and 'A' Levels would prove me otherwise. It did the exact opposite.
Forth, Im the worst in my social circle. For some reason i mix with the smarty pants. The average number of distinctions in my social circle, those that i know, is 4. Some less than 4 but most got more. Well, it isnt a bad thing per se but i just feel im the stupidest among them ):
"The make of a man is not how well he oes but how well he gets back after falling" - Kwek
So after what kwek told me, i feel much better about my results. Hence, i told all of you my results. Its in this post (:
RaNdOM: Think out of the box
Friday, March 5, 2010
Prints vs Tags
Earlier today, i went up with a couple (2 to be exact) of my SJI classmate and i suddenly understood how poor i was - both money wise and brain wise. According to my friend, what my other friend was wearing could cover the cost of 1 year of education in SJI, which amounts to about 1.8k dollars! The brand of the stuff he was wearing sounds totally foreign to me ):
Finally, i came to a conclusion: There come a point where fashion is no longer the print but the tag. Im still in the group where print matters. I'll go around and think "Hey, thats a cute shirt" and i'll but it. Thats how i usually do things. I guess i have to start giving due respect to the tag, for its design and quality. ArgH!
RaNdOM: Besty BEstie Best!
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
The Stalking...
First they avoided me..

Than they stalked me...

Yea, the blue guy in the center is me..

And they wasted my time..

But the best part was how they tried to find a building close enough to me so they could throw the pokeball card down, just like how a pokemon master would "choose" his pokemon..

Finally, they still decided to hand give it to me because all their scheme failed..
Still, it was good fun. They really made my day. All they have done for me is Awesome (capital A). Thanks Yuqi and Clement. One thing that i got out of my 2 years of college education is making friends like them.
Welcome abroad, Yuqi and Clement, to my train of life!
RandOM: Drumstick rice.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Yu Jie, I Choose You!
Nope, i have yet to invest in a camera because im lazy to find out what is good and how much it cost and start finding cheap ones. Im afraid I'll get scammed so yea, I KIV-ed it.
The pictures that you're going to see are taken by and given to me by my junior Yuqi. This boy is like an everlasting gumball, one where its sweetness never runs dry. Yuqi did many many things for me, mostly little meaningful cards that i which i could show you but i dont have pictures of them. This year for my birthday, Yuqi , together with Clement, did awesome stuff for me.
First, the 2 boys went to Hwa Chong JC to take some shots.

This is Yuqi:

And this is Clement:

Yuqi again..


After that, they made a fantastic card for me. Here it is:

Front Side

Back Side
And finally they send it to me.

Well, the day didn't actually go all that well. I'll post some behind-the-scene actions about how they stalked me and all their failed attempts on a later date because its very late now and im running out of juice.
Hope thats enough candy to the eye for now (:
RaNdOm: We'll hold the shield of green and white up high with pride!