Today was not that good of a day. Let me recount:
First, i went to NTU for an interview for Business course. Despite my ridiculous result, im still called down for an interview. I guess most of the credit goes to my "Game theory and competition" course i took in SMU (Ironically this is the same reason i'll not get selected), considering most of the questions were pertaining to it. So after I've done my written assessment (Topic: My passion), i was sent to a room with a lady and a man waiting for me. Well, the interview went pretty smoothly until I enlighten then that my "Game theory and competition" course is from SMU. From here it went downhill.
Man: What?! Since when SMU is quallified to teach Game Theory? *Sneer*
Woman: I guess they now have quallified professors to teach it.
Man: But Game Theory is so heavy on math.
Me: Yea. But i took it as an Economics module...
Man: Still, its math intensive!
*Man point at the course name with a dismissing swinging of his hand*
Man: So this "Game theory and competition" course.. Its does not reflect anything at all.
Ahh.. Politics. So, Im sure you know what happens from here. I think I didn't screw up the interview so maybe they did. And i thought the smarter one gets the more gracious he becomes.
After the interview, I somehow managed to meet up with my family and had a little chat. More like me ranting about how WTF the interview is. Seriously, WHAT IS WRONG WITH THEM? ARGH~~
Next up was to meet Yuqi and Timo for dinner. Its Yuqi's wayyy belated Birthday celebration thingy. Well, both of them were late so i had to wait like 2 hours for them. *sigh* If you're wondering, we settled for MOS burger. Hey, im not cheapskate! Yuqi wanted it. And see what i got him.

A Granola box. A can of Mug. A bottle of Brands essence of chicken. A thumbdrive. A duct tape wallet. Some photos. Well, this may seem like WOW of a present for i Yuqi got another wallet for his Birthday already AND the thumbdrive originally belonged to him so... yea. Epic Phail for me.
Well, thats the recounting part and here is the profound deep intellectual philosophical part of this blog post. Expectations. Everyone has expectations for everything - movies, presents, friends. When things fall short of your expectations, you get disappointed and sometimes furious. That is so odd because as you become better friends, your expectations of the friend increases and they because of that they tend to disappoint you more. In worst case, you go seperate ways. In summary: Friends > Better Friends > Raise Expectations {/loop} > The end of friendship.
I dont know if that is the case for you but from what I see, its rather sad ): If you have any suggestions of opinions on how to no fall into that loop(as both parties), do let me know. Thats all for now. Bye!
RanDom: Happy Birthday Yuqi. I know it wasn't the BEST but still i hope it was good (:
Heyy. Lol politics does seem to ruin things doesn't it.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you on the expectations part. It's really something that's quite serious. Although in certain rare cases both friends truly complement each other and thus don't disappoint each other (or rarely disappoint each other), it's part of human nature I guess. To yearn for that something extra from the people that you feel closer to. And it does sting when their presents fall short of your expectations. I felt that once myself, so I know.
But I'm also not saying that superficial friendships are good - because, as the adjective suggests, such friendships don't last through the test of time.
Close friendships are important.
Hmmm, perhaps it's important for close friends to each be aware of the other's interests, to each know how and when to give in to the other in certain matters - and even in the case of presents, to learn to put true effort and heart in them, and not focus so much on the presents themselves as on the people who are giving them (if the presents fall short of your expectations).
I'm saying all these things on a whim so perhaps I'm wrong somewhere - I just thought of putting in my one cent's worth :)