Sunday, April 25, 2010

Last moments.

Oops, sorry Andrew! I promised to update yesterday but got too pissed after a few DoTA games to have inspiration so i didn't. I forgot you're no longer free to read this at any time. I'll be joining you soon.

Defence of The Ancients a.k.a. DoTA. Thats a game i play very often (maybe too often). Its interesting to see how a game develops a person - Some adults develop their passion for buildings by playing LEGO when they were young; Some developed business minds by playing Monopoly; Some love English through Scrabble; And become terrorist because of Counter-Strike. What is more interesting (IMO) is how playing a game reflects a person. Recent DoTA games made me realize that I scream at, loathe, despise lousy players. Players that do not put in their fair share of effort or corporation resulting inevitability to our defeat. Im so furious and mad at them that when i look back I feel ashamed. My character is really bad.. Really really bad. Its like I'd do what Hitler did and kill all the 'undesirables', shoot them or smoke them. Actually i think i would. Don't judge me though.

DoTA aside, today is my last day as a slacker. After my A level exams, i've done nothing productive. I never found a job, never picked up a skill, never saved a life. Alas, all things (good or bad) must come to an end, and slacking too. Tomorrow morning i'll begin my National Service. For all those non-Singaporeans or Too-Young-to-Bother Singaporeans, this means i'll only have my weekends for the next 2 years. To be honest right now im nervous. Scared probably. Its uncharted territory in my life! What do you expect?

Don't worry people. I'll probably do fine. I'll try to look at the brighter side of things, aim higher than the sky, follow the route my friend (Bryan Hoe) has taken, and set the bars for those that follow. You can pray for me (:

Random: When you step into uncharted territory, you need Faith. When Faith comes into play, God follows.


  1. That's interesting - you being Christian and poetic at the same time (your Random comment). Who's Bryan Hoe? Do me a favour and ask what was his primary school...

    But anyways, I've read it and I'm here. I was waiting for you to update -.- still though, I was nervous and scared like you. And frankly speaking, I would still be nervous and scared even if I reversed time. I went through...slightly preferential treatment because of my illnesses which is why I didn't endure tough training and stuff.

    I'll pray for you I promise. Keep safe.

  2. Maris (: He endured Ninja training without much complaints. Anyway i'll be safe(:

  3. Haha ask Bryan Hoe about me. I wonder if he'll remember who I am xD
