Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Trying new stuff

Ever since before i was blogging, i've be thinking of ways to make this page more interactive. I guess there is no need for it now since there are not much people reading my rants anyway. Still, it wouldn't be fair to my fans (yea!) that im not making this hangout 'cool'. Lets give this a try.

Well, i guess this kind of reasoning is flawed in many many ways but to illustrate what i mean:Yup. If being you is to be shoved around by a hippo looking guy and an old man.. If it sucks to be you.. I guess being yourself is not the best advise you'd give four-eyes.

Oh, and if you are wondering, i did draw it hence the ugly drawing and weird orientation. I copied it off the book "Diary of a wimpy kid". Dont sue me pleaseeee ):

Hey. I was thinking when i enter NS i'd probably be easier if i post vlogs (video or voice). I guess majority of my fans are against it ):

Ah well. If you're reading let me know anything about this post.

Random: a,e,i,o,u. English, HYPY, Jap.

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