Friday, March 5, 2010

Prints vs Tags

Yay! Now is the eve of 'A' Level result release. Its night, and as expected i cant sleep.

Earlier today, i went up with a couple (2 to be exact) of my SJI classmate and i suddenly understood how poor i was - both money wise and brain wise. According to my friend, what my other friend was wearing could cover the cost of 1 year of education in SJI, which amounts to about 1.8k dollars! The brand of the stuff he was wearing sounds totally foreign to me ):

Finally, i came to a conclusion: There come a point where fashion is no longer the print but the tag. Im still in the group where print matters. I'll go around and think "Hey, thats a cute shirt" and i'll but it. Thats how i usually do things. I guess i have to start giving due respect to the tag, for its design and quality. ArgH!

RaNdOM: Besty BEstie Best!

1 comment:

  1. Well to be honest, in my opinion, MOST of those who recognise tags but not prints, don't know the idea of simple and plain fun.

    Whereas those who recognise prints but not tags, they've got a more simple view of life.

    Just my opinion :)
