Saturday, October 30, 2010

Too fast for me.

Strange. A while ago time seem to crawl. I can't wait to pass out from the camp im in now and get on with my new life. Now, time seems to fly - too fast. I really wish time would slow down a little so I can have more time with my new found friends ):

So recently I watch "Child's Eye" and "Paranomal Activity 2". Both movies are horror and like most horrors, the plot is.. *sigh* I wouldn't say I exactly wasted the money since the fright scenes got to me but I'd think twice, or thrice when deciding to watch another horror in the theaters. Paying to be in fright is just too stupid for me.

Today I had this awesome buffet at Vienna (Novena). Well its a little more price-y (40/pax after ++) but the spread is quite fantastic! They serve crayfish, lobsters, salmon, prawns, beef etc etc etc. A very sinful lunch indeed.

5 more weeks. ):

RanDom: Rocket!!!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

I scrub algae!

Have you seen those cleaners with those huge jet spray cleaning the pavements? If you've seen them at work you'd see the pavement in 2 distinct shades; the lighter being the cleaned portion and the darker being the uncleaned. I've always thought the darker shade of the floor is due to the accumulation of dirt from everyone stepping all over it but I just found out that I was wrong. Those are algae!

How did i know? Ah! Last Friday lessons ended early so they made us scrub algae around our camp. Initially it was quite fun, creating algae graffiti all over the floor. Soon, we came to a realization that the algae infestion is so widespread and our backs started to ache.. Eventually they made us remove our marks ):

The coming few weeks in camp I'd be having high key.. Hope all goes well.

RanDom: bicycle

Sunday, October 17, 2010


So it seems that I only blog on my book in day. Just to make my existence out of camp last a tad bit longer.

The coming Friday I may not be back ): I FAILED an evaluation in camp so I'm in for re-evaluation. I was SO close to passing! (o.6points) *sigh*

For the coming week, I'll be having my driving evaluation too. No, its not a car but a super heavy vehicle (13+ Tonnes). Whats difficult about this driving is that you steer the rear wheels instead of the front, so I get psycho-motor quite often.. If I do not pass, there goes another weekend ):

I've just got a new game! Civilization V. Until now, the game is quite good EXCEPT its so darn complicated. The there are shortcuts everywhere, tool tips all over. Every unit does different things and there are so many things that will happen in the next 10 turns. You need to know all of it and more. I guess it'll be a fantastic game if I can overcome this technical barrier.

One last thing. I got a new toy (: Finally bought a portable keyboard from Yamaha for over $300. I've been contemplating on whether I should invest in it for over 6 months now and I finally decided "Ah heck! Just get it". Now I can self-learn piano / keyboard (:

RaNDom: strawberry twilight.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Book in day... AGAIN ):

LOOK AT THE DATE! Today is 10.10.10! It happens only once every hundred year. Just like every other date actually.. Something much more significant about 10.10.10 is that it is a SUNDA Y ): I've got to book in soon. *sigh*

My life have never been more un-interesting.. I guess im in a low point of my life - a very very low point. My life is uneventful so here are the little updates i can squeeze out.

1. I collected my desktop from repair and sent it back a week ago -.-. I dont know what is wrong yet.
2. I bought a new clothe. 10bucks.
3. I sprained by waist. Actually its an old injury from my track & field days.

That is it i guess. 8 more weeks to go~

RaNDom: ):):):):):):):