Saturday, March 13, 2010

You see the limit!

Im sorry. Nope, not to you but to my blog. I somewhat abuse it, only turning to it when im overflowing with bored-ness. Im sorry blog, i wont do it again.

ARGH! So bored! Its yet another sunday, just like any other sundays. Today im going to blog about limits. I've had this idea in me for quite some time - you could say its one of my philosophy of life.

Limit. It marks the furthest you can go. Your limit is $100 a week, because thats what you get. You can't exceed that. Your limit is 2 distinction, because thats what your brain can handle. Anymore it goes BOOM. Your limit is 3 days with a new pack of cards, because your hand sweats like made and the cards become soggy after that. Your limit is 2 plates of chicken rich. Those are limits.

Aims. It is what you want to achieve. You aim to earn $20k / month. You aim to dunk. You aim for a scholarship. You aim for the sky - and the sky is the limit! Wait, lets re-look at this statement:

You aim for the sky - and the sky is the limit.

Well, if you take a closer look, it means:

Your aim is your limit

Yes. Thats what it says. Many times, you miss your target (all the time for me), other times you hit a bullseye. None of the times have you managed to go beyond. It is not because you're aiming the maximum hence you can't go higher, but rather your aim becomes the maximum. There is no maximum!

Thats what i see, or at least trying to see. Nothing is impossible. Never have an aim in life, for that will limit your life. Constantly improve what you are aiming at, furthur and furthur. Why aim to earn $20k a month wage? Dont earn wage, earn profits! Dont be an employee, be an employer. You can only go as far as you can see, so how far can you see? Can you see the end? I can't see far, so i want to see furthur. I dont want to see the end because theres no end. I want to see far.

RaNDom: Konnichiwa, watashi wa Tomo desu. Hajimemashite!

1 comment:

  1. How coincidental :) my brother told me something yesterday; it was meant to be a logic joke as well:

    God is love - and love is blind. So therefore, God is blind.

    Just another subtle reminder to me that religion and logic just don't mix :p
