Thursday, March 18, 2010

Victim of Marketing.

Hi peeps! Just before i go into the proper post, Loo Ting just updated his blog after being MIA for very very long! Yay! If you have the time to read my nonsense, i believe you have the time to read his nonsense too. Links on the side bar (:

I feel so stupid. Well, partly because of my results, but what makes me feel even stupider is the fact that i used the word 'stupider' because theres no such word. No. What makes me dumber is that i always, ALWAYS fall victim to marketing.

Have you received cards from food outlets where they give you a stamp for every some value spent and you get to exchange the fully stamped card for a free dish or something? Yea. Every time i walk around shopping centre, i'd try to buy a medium yumi yogurt because if you fill the card you get a medium one free. One stamp is $4 spending and the card has 12 boxes. That is to say you spend about $48 for a free $4 - an 8.33% saving, or rather a waste of 48 bucks! Well, it wouldnt be a waste if yumi yogurt was a necessity, just like the stickers thing from shop and save.

Next is when i walk around i'd try to go to ichiban sushi because of its card too. This time its $20 spending for a stamp and theres loads of goodies looted in the card BUT i could have spent the money eating something else and not there! Im not saying the food is not good but it just makes me want to go there all the time. ARgH~

So very often i get tricked by these marketing nonsense - arcade card points, membership points, loyalty points etc etc. The best is still the "Buy 2 @ $1.95" and i'd buy 2 even though i only needed one. Guess what, 2 for $1.95, 1 for $1.00. So i effectively saved 5 cents - or rather spent an additional 95 cents on something i dont need!

This is why I want to take business in university and one day i'd be using these nonsense to scam stupid people like me! Until than, im still dumb. Baka~

RanDom: Bananas, Pineapples, orange grows on trees!


  1. I would certainly like to see you grow bananas and pineapples on trees :) nice trick with the "grows".

  2. By the way, I was a victim of the preaching of MLM today -.- talk about marketing.
