Sunday, April 25, 2010
Last moments.
Defence of The Ancients a.k.a. DoTA. Thats a game i play very often (maybe too often). Its interesting to see how a game develops a person - Some adults develop their passion for buildings by playing LEGO when they were young; Some developed business minds by playing Monopoly; Some love English through Scrabble; And become terrorist because of Counter-Strike. What is more interesting (IMO) is how playing a game reflects a person. Recent DoTA games made me realize that I scream at, loathe, despise lousy players. Players that do not put in their fair share of effort or corporation resulting inevitability to our defeat. Im so furious and mad at them that when i look back I feel ashamed. My character is really bad.. Really really bad. Its like I'd do what Hitler did and kill all the 'undesirables', shoot them or smoke them. Actually i think i would. Don't judge me though.
DoTA aside, today is my last day as a slacker. After my A level exams, i've done nothing productive. I never found a job, never picked up a skill, never saved a life. Alas, all things (good or bad) must come to an end, and slacking too. Tomorrow morning i'll begin my National Service. For all those non-Singaporeans or Too-Young-to-Bother Singaporeans, this means i'll only have my weekends for the next 2 years. To be honest right now im nervous. Scared probably. Its uncharted territory in my life! What do you expect?
Don't worry people. I'll probably do fine. I'll try to look at the brighter side of things, aim higher than the sky, follow the route my friend (Bryan Hoe) has taken, and set the bars for those that follow. You can pray for me (:
Random: When you step into uncharted territory, you need Faith. When Faith comes into play, God follows.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
So my desktop fried some time back. According to the technician, my motherboard died. I guess my MSI P35 Neo2 - FR board got a bios corruption. Now its being sent back to the factory for repair since its still under warranty (zz i didnt send in my warranty card..). Hope i dont incur additional cost. NS boys are poor! Oh, just a word of warning to people reading, if you are using the same motherboard as me DO NOT UPDATE YOUR BIOS. Apparently the new bios patch released is corrupted and it kills your comp.
Since my desktop died, I have to resort to using my laptop. This piece of metal is .... I think its speed is like tortoise^snail. I just did some cleanup yesterday so hopefully it works now (:
That post is original down to the very fullstop okay! Haha, i guess you heard me talk about it before somewhere, or maybe i repeated my thoughts from post wayyy back. Ah well, i tend to repeat myself (:
Thursday, April 22, 2010
So like on tuesday, I met my ogl for dinner. He told me that I won't be released from army on Labour day. I guess this is real bad news cause that means I'll be confined for the full 14days. That quite bad news for me, not that I have anything to do mainland but I guess it'll be good to have a day off. 4 more days to ns ): hope all goes well.
I'm gonna try go sleep now. This small screen and dark room is spoiling my eyes!
raNdOM: iBanking
Monday, April 19, 2010
Dear Andrew, ...
This post is dedicated to Andrew, who enlisted into National Service this morning.
Dear Andrew,
Sorry for putting up a post this late. I wanted to do this for quite some time already but I never managed to do it. I guess you'll have to wait till weekends to see this (:
Finally, NS is here. I know that you have always been very negative about this 'serving the nation' thing. Actually, most people are too. Objectively, it is a waste of time because NS disrupts our lives. We'd be 2 years behind everyone else in the world, which really isn't an advantage.
However, i think you should look at the bright side. This 2 years is a nice getaway from our rigid repetitive mugging life. It gives us think to think and reflect on what we truly want before jumping straight into it. It could also be a good getaway from civilization, from all the distractions that technology poses.
Regardless of how you view it, this 2 years is fixed. You'll have to spend this 2 years no matter how strict, regimental, slack, boring it is. So here is my take - Make the best out of it. Don't be too negative about things, hold back your pride and ego a little. This way, NS wouldnt be as bad. It may be smooth sailing, or even exciting!
Right now, I can't say for certain. It'd be my turn next week. For now, and for years ahead, I wish you all the best. May this experience be one that you'd enjoy, foster bonds, refine yourself and that you may leave NS happier, stronger and better.
Best Regards,
19th April '10
random: UHUUUU Glueee.
Mayday concert.
So I went to Mayday's concert last saturday. It was at Singapore National Stadium. (Oh btw, S.H.E was having their concert next door at the Singapore Indoor Stadium). Well, past Mayday concerts that i attended was held in the Singapore Indoor Stadium and it was all not bad so I expected this to be as good as before.
The first intelligent thing i did was to wear a long sleeve think shirt. I somehow remembered that the concert is outdoor this time so i didnt wear jeans but somehow i forgot for my top. That wasnt just that. I was in my flops (slippers), which was really bad because my seat is right infront of the stage on the grass patch and it rained quite heavily that afternoon. My flops were dyed brown after the concert.
Apart from my own stupidity, the concert wasnt as good as previous ones too. First was going in. The ticket states that its 7.30PM but by the time we got into the stadium, its already 8.30PM. I think it is due to the fact that there were only 3 entrances and there were nothing put up to say which is which and where is where. So confusing. In the end, in order to start the concert any later, the laxed the security, dropped bag checks and some didnt even check tickets.
After i got into the stadium i thought i should visit the washroom first so i wont have to go later. Guess what, the washroom was 15 temporary washrooms at the back of the stadium. I can't find pictures to show you but it was really... pathetic. Whats worse was that in front of each toilet were like more than 10 people queueing up to use it. I think that Guinness World Record for the most number of people waiting to use the washroom!
So the main concert was about the same as the last concert they had. I could identify footages that were being reused. I guess they didn't really put in much effort for this concert. The worst part of it all is that they ended rather early this year. 11.30PM may be late for some of you people but past concerts would last till at least 12 midnight. This $177 was quite a disappointment ):
Regardless, I still like Mayday. Their lyrics never fail to amaze me. I'll still go for their next concert if everything permits (:
RanDom:I really really have nothing random to say.
Worst day evar~ UPDATES!
Right now, I have 3 post i want to do because they are all important so lets start with what happened today than work backwards.
Today really suck, big time. I woke up thinking that my computer would work after giving it a night of rest. I am wrong. I guess its going on a strike on me for abusing it - overworked, underpaid. Argh, all my data is still in it and i have yet to back up my files. Hope i don't lose them! Oh, if you're wondering, Im on my laptop now, but im not really used to the configurations and stuff so it is kinda hard to use. *sigh*
Since my main computer refuse to wake up, I decided to go for my weekly swim. It was when i boarded the train on my way to the public pool that i remembered I DID NOT BRING MY GOGGLES! Damn!
So before I went to the pool, i dropped by Subway for lunch. It was finally my turn when i found out THERE WERE NO MEAL. I have no idea why there are no meals today but it really added on the my unluckiness. Oh, and there were only mustard, honey mustard and ketchup. No sweet onion, no southwest, no mayo.. Still, i had my lunch. Dang~
So i thought i was good enough to swim without my goggles on. I mean, who needs goggles? Im not a kid, i won't drown. Well, thats what i thought. No, i didnt drown, not even close but i really had a hard time swimming because i cannot see where i was going and i cannot see where the end of the pool was. Having such an unpleasent experience, i left 20min after i started. ZzZ..
After that i went home, thinking that since I have no computer and I didnt really exercise much, maybe i should hit the gym. When I reached home, i took a nap and the next thing i know, its raining. Like seriously!
What an excitingly awesome day i have today. *sigh*. One more week to enlistment.
RanDOM: I don't think I can think of 3 random things..
Friday, April 16, 2010
Today was not that good of a day. Let me recount:
First, i went to NTU for an interview for Business course. Despite my ridiculous result, im still called down for an interview. I guess most of the credit goes to my "Game theory and competition" course i took in SMU (Ironically this is the same reason i'll not get selected), considering most of the questions were pertaining to it. So after I've done my written assessment (Topic: My passion), i was sent to a room with a lady and a man waiting for me. Well, the interview went pretty smoothly until I enlighten then that my "Game theory and competition" course is from SMU. From here it went downhill.
Man: What?! Since when SMU is quallified to teach Game Theory? *Sneer*
Woman: I guess they now have quallified professors to teach it.
Man: But Game Theory is so heavy on math.
Me: Yea. But i took it as an Economics module...
Man: Still, its math intensive!
*Man point at the course name with a dismissing swinging of his hand*
Man: So this "Game theory and competition" course.. Its does not reflect anything at all.
Ahh.. Politics. So, Im sure you know what happens from here. I think I didn't screw up the interview so maybe they did. And i thought the smarter one gets the more gracious he becomes.
After the interview, I somehow managed to meet up with my family and had a little chat. More like me ranting about how WTF the interview is. Seriously, WHAT IS WRONG WITH THEM? ARGH~~
Next up was to meet Yuqi and Timo for dinner. Its Yuqi's wayyy belated Birthday celebration thingy. Well, both of them were late so i had to wait like 2 hours for them. *sigh* If you're wondering, we settled for MOS burger. Hey, im not cheapskate! Yuqi wanted it. And see what i got him.

A Granola box. A can of Mug. A bottle of Brands essence of chicken. A thumbdrive. A duct tape wallet. Some photos. Well, this may seem like WOW of a present for i Yuqi got another wallet for his Birthday already AND the thumbdrive originally belonged to him so... yea. Epic Phail for me.
Well, thats the recounting part and here is the profound deep intellectual philosophical part of this blog post. Expectations. Everyone has expectations for everything - movies, presents, friends. When things fall short of your expectations, you get disappointed and sometimes furious. That is so odd because as you become better friends, your expectations of the friend increases and they because of that they tend to disappoint you more. In worst case, you go seperate ways. In summary: Friends > Better Friends > Raise Expectations {/loop} > The end of friendship.
I dont know if that is the case for you but from what I see, its rather sad ): If you have any suggestions of opinions on how to no fall into that loop(as both parties), do let me know. Thats all for now. Bye!
RanDom: Happy Birthday Yuqi. I know it wasn't the BEST but still i hope it was good (:
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
What Education Did.
Do you remember awhile back i talked about jumping into conclusion? Yea, I have this problem. Well initially i thought it was a problem. It is real unfair to the people around me whenever I concluded the wrong thing, and sometimes i can be very bias and extreme. If you look at this 'problem' from another angle, i guess im just NOT a victim of education as yet.
Apart from making people skeptical, education equips us with the ability to see an issue from various angle. That IS a good thing but not when people dont get it and start seeing EVERY isssue from EVERY angle. It greys right and wrong. Lets have some examples.
context: John is irresponsible.
event : John is late.
conclusion: He didnt leave house early.
Well, for this case John could have met with an accident, saw a black cat, forgot his keys, miss the bus etc etc etc but isn't it most logical to conclude that he just dont value punctuality and left his house late?
Context: John has expressed interest to the class chairperson on all class events but is always left out.
Event: John is left out from a class outing.
conclusion: The class chairperson (or the class) doesnt want John to be present.
Well, this is also a logical conclusion that I would make although people would tell me "maybe the class chairperson forgot?" or "They thought you didnt want to go.." or "They thought you already knew.."
Well, what I am saying is not everything should be viewed from multiple angles. I understand this and am accused for jumping into conclusions every now and than but from where i see it now, I dont think i am wrong. And i thought he was more mature because he could see from more viewpoint. Bullshit!
Random: sad sad life.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
The higher you go, the more you look down.
So today i didnt do my usual monday swim but rather went to hang out at Bryan's place, together with Zhai, Clar, James, Mugen. We started off with playing squash, which after like 1 hour some kids booked the squash court to play badminton ): We then headed to the pool for a little swim and some frisbee/ball. We than had a dip and went to Bryan's place for some CS, Transformer, dinner, cards. Overall, the day was awesome EXCEPT..
Well, we were playing a card game. Don't know the name (texas or soemthing) but I have no clue how that game was played. That wasn't very well recieved by some people in the group which made me feel real sucky. I guess that was a common game that everyone should know since everyone except me could play it but i see no reason to.. i don't know. ); ); );
So i got home from Bryan's place after an hour+ train ride and started DoTA-ing until about now. Even though we lost almost every game, it was great fun. Not sure why but i really enjoyed the games tonight.
A few days back, while DoTA-ing again, my cousin pointed out that "You're becoming more and more like *Someone's Name*". Well, what he meant was i was being pissed at a noob in my team and started blaming him etc etc etc. It could be arrogant of some sort. This made me realize that being humble is not simple. Being humble is not only when you suck at it and admit, not only when you're good at it and don't boast, but also give newbie a hand and not flame them when they do suck. Ah well, guess i've gotta learn.
random: You're in my hand.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
New Wallet!
My new wallet is not exactly the best wallet. It isn't even a good wallet. Originally, my new wallet is suppose to have 8 card slots (4 on each side), 2 hidden compartment and 2 note compartment - thats the same as my old wallet. Well, after screwing up the dimensions and drawing my lines non-perpendicularly, 2 card slots are too shallow to place cards and one notes compartment is too shallow to place notes -.-
In the end, I guess i still changed my wallet because i spent 3 hours constructing it and even though it sucks, its still the fruits of my labour (: Just like God loves the weirdos. So techinically i downgraded my wallet. It isn't that bad a thing though cause Im going to NS real soon and holding a CK wallet is looking for trouble. Well, that is if a white wallet is less attention seeking...
random: Honey is bee shit!
Saturday, April 10, 2010
POP lo!!.
POP means that the soldier boys have 1 week of block leave before they get posted. It means I can meet timo more. Yay! Today is the first and we went to watch "Clash of the Titans". Well, the movie is as usual disappointing BUT its still great fun hanging out.
Well, if you are following my blogs, this may be a sad news for you. Im about to enlist in 2 weeks time. I'll only be let out on weekends so you'll probably get updates at max twice a week - that is IF i can find the time to do this. Ah well, i guess it can't be helped. Botak here i come~
RanDom: Maf have big biceps!
Friday, April 9, 2010
Level Up

So knowing this, here is the BIG question. Which job/class/race/hero do you want to be? You can only level up in certain areas in life. You can pick up a few professions/talents/skills but eventually you'll reach a level cap. 25 for DoTA. 80 for WoW. ?? for life.

Random: Pichu, Pikachu, Raichu, Pikablue, Pikafat, Pikabear, Pika!
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Trying new stuff

Oh, and if you are wondering, i did draw it hence the ugly drawing and weird orientation. I copied it off the book "Diary of a wimpy kid". Dont sue me pleaseeee ):
Hey. I was thinking when i enter NS i'd probably be easier if i post vlogs (video or voice). I guess majority of my fans are against it ):
Ah well. If you're reading let me know anything about this post.
Random: a,e,i,o,u. English, HYPY, Jap.
Its NOT a diary.
That was the main character of 'Diary of a wimpy kid'. I just watched the film yesterday. It isn't that good so unless you're rich and free, there are better things to do.
So in the film, Greg Heffley has this best friend Rowley Jefferson. Rowley is just an idiotic dumbass. He does weird things, wears weird things, have weird sense of humor, unlike the main character Greg who is relatively more normal, except he tries too hard. One day Greg broke Rowley's hand which brought attention to Rowley. Soon, Rowley became famous.
I really dont understand how and why Rowley is so popular in school. He really is one big weirdo. And the best part is when he gets all popular in school and stuff, he doesnt give his best friend Greg a little push whatsoever. This really frustrates me.
People says that its the best to 'just be yourself', but what if being yourself is the worst? Its like.. Its the best to be the worst. And its also irritating to see in real life how social retards or intellectual morons sometimes gets all the attention. How did it happen?!
RaNdom: Wow.. Everyone knows me now. Its like, im famous or something.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Rich, Poor.
I've just spent a huge portion of my Chinese New Year bounty on an iPod touch 32GB! I've been considering this purchase for quite some time now and i FINALLY did it. Feels like i've grown up (or down).
So while im setting up my computer to work my iTouch, here is 10 reasons to convince myself that i did not waste too much money.
1. I have no mp3 player. I need one anyway.
2. iTouch allows me to watch video.
3. It can act as a game console of some sort, though i think the games are kinda boring.
4. Besides games, there are still other application, which i may (or may not) use.
5. You can wi-fi the net on the move, for whatever the reason.
6. It can be brought to NS camp, which i wont because im afraid it gets stolen.
7. I finally get to sleep well. I've been sleepless for nights considering to buy or not to buy.
8. I look cool. Like, Cool with a capital 'C'. From cool ---> Cool!
9. Its a rite of passage for me.
10. I can't think of anymore reasons.
Believe or not, this is actually my first BIG purchase with my own money. You could say the first 'you-don't-reall-need-it' item i bought. I built my own computer for about $1.2k, half paid my my dad. The next biggest thing would be shoes for $100+, and i only do buy when my other pair of shoe is unwearable (no such word, i know). Its a big step for me. Strangely though, i feel guilty now. Weird.
random: I got an orange *fruit* *fruit*, that tonights gonna be a good night.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Consumer Sovereignty
Today morning, my family (extended) and I went to some restaurant in Orchard Ion 4F for breakfast/lunch/grandmother-birthday-celebration. The food was horrible for the price and place. It sounded like a very good foodplace so my expectation was pretty high and im thoroughly disappointed. We started with dim sum (spellcheck!), which was so-so. Tangling cc serve much much better dim sum IMO. Much cheaper too. Next was the main dishes, which were all too salty. Tooooooo salty. It was so salty that it made sea water plain. Like all singaporeans would, we complained to the manager!
Well, the manager replied something like "Eh, different people have different taste preference. Some like a stronger flavor, others lighter. Would you like us to replace it for you or cancel it from the bill?" And here is the best part. My Aunt went like "Eh, replace? What if its still too salty? Cancel? Thats like 3 main dishes. We're all still hungry!" So the manager stood there for about 5 minutes repeating her 2 only options waiting for us to decide. AWKWARD~
OMG Aunt, WHAT do you want the poor manager to do? She can only 1.replace 2. cancel. Thats all! My aunt said that 'she didnt even apologise" and "She is making it seems like we're picky, so i shall be picky!" "I've been at her position" "Customer is always right". I say she was being mean, letting off some steam on the poor manager for the bad food provided my the restaurant.
So heres the BIG question. Why is "Customer always right"? Is it because we pay? I cant think of any other reasons. And cmon, we pay for the FOOD, and +10% service charge for the RESTAURANT. The poor waiter/waitress dont get the money. So why are we right? Even to let off steam on them? Yes when they wear the uniform they represent the company, but you represent Singapore! Cut the some slack. Give them Kit Kat!
raNdom: Dry ice + hot water = cool shit!
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Random, Random, Night Cycling.
Friday was fantastic. Its a public holiday so everyone is free and i got to meet almost everyone. First, it was meeting timo, clar and ZH in town. While waiting, i bumped into Neil, Wee and Yuqi.. And JT.
Well, timo, clar, zh and i wanted to catch a movie but i guess there were too many deprived recruits just released to mainland so we couldnt get tickets. We then decided to find lem at pomo. The next few hours, we were searching lan shops, walking from cathay to pomo and back and back and... Yea. Wasting time. Finally, we met up with lem and together with lem's cousin (darren), we had dinner and ended up at the escalator talking nonsense, blocking people etc etc etc.
Whats cool was that i bumped into people from Hope (church) who asked me to join their easter outreach, which i invited them down for Bartley's outreach! There didnt come anyway so yea ):
The very same night, i went with my churchies for night cycling anf ECP! Well, it was meant to be a surprise celebration for Ming Hui. I think we really surprised her that a 3 person night cycling event became a 16 person gathering. So we cycled for about 4 hours and now my ass still hurts from the solid-cusion seat. I sneaked away the next morning while the others are still ZzZz away.
Here goes:
Thanks S and M for organizing the event.
Thanks everyone that went
Happy Birthday Ming Huiiiiii
It was really fun. Im going to catch the ZzZzZZz now.
RandOm: I love my meow~
Friday, April 2, 2010
Bitter, Sour, Red, Green.
1. Only 1 person reads my blog
2. None wants me to continuing doing this nonsense.
TOO BAD~ Im going to plague the world with my stuff that doesnt make sense.
Have you felt this? Having a friend that is not your friend? Or your friend finds another friend and leave you alone? Sucks ain't it? Yea.
So i've been bitter and red because i always get excluded from activities. My teacher once said that if you count what you have, you have everything, but if you count what you don't have, than you have nothing. I guess i always get excluded because i only count the times im excluded, but regardless, why am i excluded in the first place?
Sour, green, when after the events, you hear your 'pals' talk about what they did (without you). It sucks. And i thought we were friends, no?
Its really ironic, when you see people try to 'keep in contact' with less familar 'friends' by meeting up for meaningless meals once every red moon (red is more rare than blue) when the very same person excludes his friends (no inverted commas) from his activities in overlapping social circles. Superficial aint it? You go through great lengths to make friends and throw them aside when u get it. I'd rather remain in the inverted commas.
rAndom: """""""""""""""""""me""""""""""""""""""""""