Sunday, February 21, 2010

Taboo Words.

I always feel that there are some words that are never meant to be said. Its like the Pandora's box. Once its out, you're out. Or maybe she is out.

Taboo Words (or phrases), thats that name i give for those stuff. Let me give you some examples:
- Lets break up.
- Lets divorce
- I can't do it
Well, those are the common 3 phrases that i can think of. When any one party in a relationship says "Break up" or "Divorce", even if it doesnt happen now, chances are it'll happen later. Its the same as when you tell yourself "I can't do it".

The reason is rather simple to me. I think, when the Taboo Words are spoken, it becomes an option. It becomes a way out. Sometimes, it becomes an easy way out. Too easy to pack up and leave than to resolve the conflict at hand. So this brings me to another point...

The Easy Way Out

So today i was having a little random chat with tim and ZH at church today after our little bball game and we came to this thing about taking the easy way out. Apparently, i was the only one in the conversation that thinks that it is wrong and bad to take the easy way out! ARGH~

Tim says that thats just others way of doing thing. Not everyone strives for the best in things they do. Just like those who strives, some choose to take the easy way out. Its not wrong. Its not bad.

ZH says that people can be selective in taking the easy way out. It doesnt mean that anyone who takes the easy way out of things takes the easy out of everything.

Well, i beg to differ. Taking the easy way out is just plain lazy, and being lazy is bad. It may be an easy way out for you, but it means somewhere somehow, someone will have to put the extra effort for your lazy attitude. If you dont have the ability to do certain stuff, it wouldnt be assigned to you if you dont act like you can. Everything given to you is within your capabilities UNLESS you're asking for it. Remember the Taboo Word "I can't do it"!

To ZH, i really cant deny the existence of people who do selective 'sucky attitude', but in my opinion for most of the people, attitude follows us through. When you choose to take an easy way out now, it becomes a viable option and you'll soon take the easy way out of many other things. Its the same reason why the high flyers are top students in school with outstanding leadership, sports and musical records. Its no surprise that those that remain at the bottom are those relatively more unfit people. No offence to anyone but thats because for the former taking the easy way out was NOT a way out, but for the later it is.

At this point, i really want to point out this:

There is a difference between having an aim than act and acting than justifying your actions.

or in more lay terms

There is a difference between think than do and do than think.

My brother decided before he entered NS that he wants to get out of the place in one piece, so when he was in there, he did the minimum for everything.
My other friend did minimum for everything in NS because he thinks its a waste of time and its not worth his effort.

I want to get into a not very competitive course in University, so i didnt put in alot of effort in 'A' Levels since it wasnt necessary.
My friend didnt put in alot of effort in 'A' level so he ended up in a course thats not very competitive since he cant go anywhere else.

Well, if you see the above two examples, the start and the end is the same. The difference is the attitude. One is doing a planned decision, the other is taking the easy way out. Its just a fine line between the two. One is think than do, the other is do than think. Think first.

Now, those people who takes the easy way out usually takes the easy way out first than justify taking it. That is no difference from finding excuses for being lazy.

Well, all these are still but my opinion. What do you think? Comment.

RanDom: I think you're mistaken.

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