Earlier this morning, I saw this note the my mum wrote which is rather amusing. Check it out.
Those are my Mother's words (maybe copied from somewhere).
RanDom: -ardmwtfscnengcmspso
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Carry the team.
Yay! I've met my quota for the month. This MAY NOT BE the last post for March depending on mood.
Recently i've been playing a lot of team games. I mean i've been playing dota, a team game, a lot. This makes me wonder if it is possible to carry a team, if so how good must you be? It starts to irritate me because i've been losing games after games not because i didnt play well, rather i played my best, but my teammates dont play well. Well, this just means that my 'best' cannot carry my other teammates which is grrrrr! Examples.
1. Before a leaver leaves, he buys random stuff, destroy and leave, leaving no gold / item for us.
2. When feeding, AFK.
3. When feeding, play a fool like using kotl to teleport you to random places.
If you translate it to basketball, it'll be like
1. Before your teammate gets called out of court, he pours all ur water away, kills ur coach, throw your shoes away, than leave.
2. When a member cant defend the opponent, he stands there and do nothing.
3. When a member cant defend the opponent, he pulls down the pants of his teammates when they try to jump and throw shoes at them.
Actually, i think it is impossible to carry the team. No matter what game or what sport, if its team based there is no way anyone can make up for another person. If anyone could than the other person should never exist. Still, i want to be able to carry my dota team because there are too many people who shouldnt exist existing in the dota community. If i want to win (who doesnt), i'll have to be me x2 or x3. Im addicted.
random: I would like to visit the moon, on a rocketship high in the air.
Recently i've been playing a lot of team games. I mean i've been playing dota, a team game, a lot. This makes me wonder if it is possible to carry a team, if so how good must you be? It starts to irritate me because i've been losing games after games not because i didnt play well, rather i played my best, but my teammates dont play well. Well, this just means that my 'best' cannot carry my other teammates which is grrrrr! Examples.
1. Before a leaver leaves, he buys random stuff, destroy and leave, leaving no gold / item for us.
2. When feeding, AFK.
3. When feeding, play a fool like using kotl to teleport you to random places.
If you translate it to basketball, it'll be like
1. Before your teammate gets called out of court, he pours all ur water away, kills ur coach, throw your shoes away, than leave.
2. When a member cant defend the opponent, he stands there and do nothing.
3. When a member cant defend the opponent, he pulls down the pants of his teammates when they try to jump and throw shoes at them.
Actually, i think it is impossible to carry the team. No matter what game or what sport, if its team based there is no way anyone can make up for another person. If anyone could than the other person should never exist. Still, i want to be able to carry my dota team because there are too many people who shouldnt exist existing in the dota community. If i want to win (who doesnt), i'll have to be me x2 or x3. Im addicted.
random: I would like to visit the moon, on a rocketship high in the air.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Hmm.. You look
Ok. First of all i noticed i made 10 post in both Jan and Feb so i'll probably keep this up for march and April hopefully, this means one more post for March (:
I find it funny when people say im fit. It is probably the joke of the century! Let me put this straight in your face. According to NAPFA (National Physical Fitness Assessment), to be fit you must be able to do the following decently well.
1. do pull ups - lift your body weight
2. Sit-and-Reach - Be flexible
3. run 2.4km - to have stamina
4. do shutter run - to have speed
5. do standing broad jump - to be a rabbit
Sorry to disappoint you people but
a. I can do 2 pull ups only, 3 maybe if a girl is looking, 4 if a bunch of them but i cant do 5 even if they all.
b. Anyone that knows me knows i cant stretch. I guess its because i was a sprinter.
c. i clear 2.4km at 12.20 which suck, really.
d. I can run this well, cause i sprint!
e. Jumping sux cause i cant coordinate my body for moment em. Suck too ):
So yea, as you can see im really not THAT fit. Im not saying i can't do shit but seriously! That is no where near fit.
So, just because im tall, dark and handsome(!) doesnt mean im sporty, fit and buff or anything near it. I just so happen to have big-bone genes + skinny so it seems i have a huge build. Oh, and short, white, ugly, fat people can be much much fitter than me. Dont look down on them!
random: Stary Stary night..
I find it funny when people say im fit. It is probably the joke of the century! Let me put this straight in your face. According to NAPFA (National Physical Fitness Assessment), to be fit you must be able to do the following decently well.
1. do pull ups - lift your body weight
2. Sit-and-Reach - Be flexible
3. run 2.4km - to have stamina
4. do shutter run - to have speed
5. do standing broad jump - to be a rabbit
Sorry to disappoint you people but
a. I can do 2 pull ups only, 3 maybe if a girl is looking, 4 if a bunch of them but i cant do 5 even if they all
b. Anyone that knows me knows i cant stretch. I guess its because i was a sprinter.
c. i clear 2.4km at 12.20 which suck, really.
d. I can run this well, cause i sprint!
e. Jumping sux cause i cant coordinate my body for moment em. Suck too ):
So yea, as you can see im really not THAT fit. Im not saying i can't do shit but seriously! That is no where near fit.
So, just because im tall, dark and handsome(!) doesnt mean im sporty, fit and buff or anything near it. I just so happen to have big-bone genes + skinny so it seems i have a huge build. Oh, and short, white, ugly, fat people can be much much fitter than me. Dont look down on them!
random: Stary Stary night..
Monday, March 22, 2010
It depends...
Its really getting on my nerves, maybe no longer 'getting on' but rather IN my nerves. What has education done? As we become more an more intelligent, we become less and less able to tell right from wrong.
I thought this was just a problem in a few individuals but now it seems my view takes the minority role. Everytime i ask a question the answer i get is "It depends..." or "It is relative...". Just yesterday over dinner, i asked if guys prefer going out with guys or girls. Well guess what? the reply is "It depends.."! My friend said if the particular guy had bad experiences with girls than they may prefer hanging out with guys. Well, i definitely can't say he is wrong but wouldn't you give a definite answer that is generally the case? Like for this case guys.
This statement "It is easier for lighter guys to do pull ups than heavier guys" was strongly disagreed (such word?) upon by my cousin. He says "No, its equal, provided they have the same muscle composition by % mass". Well, i dont know if that is right or wrong BUT generally isnt it not that likely that they have the same muscle composition? I mean we are subjected to the same environment of lifting the same stuff (pencil, books, tables, basketball, whatever) hence our muscle in the natural environment is such that we can withstand about the same amount of weight for all individual HENCE if you're lighter you'll have less to make up for and easier time pulling yourself up? I dont know about you but i think this is more true generally but why do people like to argue with those "special" exceptional cases?
The most recent post on Andrew's blog talked about MLM "exploiting" the people or something. Andrew's comment on my comment was that we have opposing viewpoints because we are taking different perspectives on the same issue. I beg to differ! Rather, it feels more like we were talking about different issues altogether! Making money is one of the fundamental objective of ALL human beings, that is because you need money for everything in the world. Don't tell me cliche stuff like "No, you can buy love without money!". Yes you may, but chances are you can't. We've seen too many cases of families breaking up because of the lack of money. There is no wrong in having money as an objective and no wrong providing what the market wants. "Exploit" you may say but it fulfills the consumers, still win-win, so where the "exploitation" ? Although of course i still do agree with Andrew that the social consequence is bad, it sure doesn't seem to me that most rich people do bad things with money. And yes, as the old saying goes, its not the beginning or the end but the process that is of the essence and hence if the way you think is wrong (like donating to obtain fame) than its wrong. Overall, this has nothing to do with Economics, Business nor Psychology.
I've always been judged for being too extreme in viewpoint or jumping into conclusion, but aren't things black or white? The region of grey seems to be extending outwards to the whole spectrum and eventually will swallow it whole. When wrong can be justified to be right and right can be framed to be wrong, how do you distinguish right from wrong? Well, it depends...
RandoM: How many meh meh jump over the wall?
I thought this was just a problem in a few individuals but now it seems my view takes the minority role. Everytime i ask a question the answer i get is "It depends..." or "It is relative...". Just yesterday over dinner, i asked if guys prefer going out with guys or girls. Well guess what? the reply is "It depends.."! My friend said if the particular guy had bad experiences with girls than they may prefer hanging out with guys. Well, i definitely can't say he is wrong but wouldn't you give a definite answer that is generally the case? Like for this case guys.
This statement "It is easier for lighter guys to do pull ups than heavier guys" was strongly disagreed (such word?) upon by my cousin. He says "No, its equal, provided they have the same muscle composition by % mass". Well, i dont know if that is right or wrong BUT generally isnt it not that likely that they have the same muscle composition? I mean we are subjected to the same environment of lifting the same stuff (pencil, books, tables, basketball, whatever) hence our muscle in the natural environment is such that we can withstand about the same amount of weight for all individual HENCE if you're lighter you'll have less to make up for and easier time pulling yourself up? I dont know about you but i think this is more true generally but why do people like to argue with those "special" exceptional cases?
The most recent post on Andrew's blog talked about MLM "exploiting" the people or something. Andrew's comment on my comment was that we have opposing viewpoints because we are taking different perspectives on the same issue. I beg to differ! Rather, it feels more like we were talking about different issues altogether! Making money is one of the fundamental objective of ALL human beings, that is because you need money for everything in the world. Don't tell me cliche stuff like "No, you can buy love without money!". Yes you may, but chances are you can't. We've seen too many cases of families breaking up because of the lack of money. There is no wrong in having money as an objective and no wrong providing what the market wants. "Exploit" you may say but it fulfills the consumers, still win-win, so where the "exploitation" ? Although of course i still do agree with Andrew that the social consequence is bad, it sure doesn't seem to me that most rich people do bad things with money. And yes, as the old saying goes, its not the beginning or the end but the process that is of the essence and hence if the way you think is wrong (like donating to obtain fame) than its wrong. Overall, this has nothing to do with Economics, Business nor Psychology.
I've always been judged for being too extreme in viewpoint or jumping into conclusion, but aren't things black or white? The region of grey seems to be extending outwards to the whole spectrum and eventually will swallow it whole. When wrong can be justified to be right and right can be framed to be wrong, how do you distinguish right from wrong? Well, it depends...
RandoM: How many meh meh jump over the wall?
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Victim of Marketing.
Hi peeps! Just before i go into the proper post, Loo Ting just updated his blog after being MIA for very very long! Yay! If you have the time to read my nonsense, i believe you have the time to read his nonsense too. Links on the side bar (:
I feel so stupid. Well, partly because of my results, but what makes me feel even stupider is the fact that i used the word 'stupider' because theres no such word. No. What makes me dumber is that i always, ALWAYS fall victim to marketing.
Have you received cards from food outlets where they give you a stamp for every some value spent and you get to exchange the fully stamped card for a free dish or something? Yea. Every time i walk around shopping centre, i'd try to buy a medium yumi yogurt because if you fill the card you get a medium one free. One stamp is $4 spending and the card has 12 boxes. That is to say you spend about $48 for a free $4 - an 8.33% saving, or rather a waste of 48 bucks! Well, it wouldnt be a waste if yumi yogurt was a necessity, just like the stickers thing from shop and save.
Next is when i walk around i'd try to go to ichiban sushi because of its card too. This time its $20 spending for a stamp and theres loads of goodies looted in the card BUT i could have spent the money eating something else and not there! Im not saying the food is not good but it just makes me want to go there all the time. ARgH~
So very often i get tricked by these marketing nonsense - arcade card points, membership points, loyalty points etc etc. The best is still the "Buy 2 @ $1.95" and i'd buy 2 even though i only needed one. Guess what, 2 for $1.95, 1 for $1.00. So i effectively saved 5 cents - or rather spent an additional 95 cents on something i dont need!
This is why I want to take business in university and one day i'd be using these nonsense to scam stupid people like me! Until than, im still dumb. Baka~
RanDom: Bananas, Pineapples, orange grows on trees!
I feel so stupid. Well, partly because of my results, but what makes me feel even stupider is the fact that i used the word 'stupider' because theres no such word. No. What makes me dumber is that i always, ALWAYS fall victim to marketing.
Have you received cards from food outlets where they give you a stamp for every some value spent and you get to exchange the fully stamped card for a free dish or something? Yea. Every time i walk around shopping centre, i'd try to buy a medium yumi yogurt because if you fill the card you get a medium one free. One stamp is $4 spending and the card has 12 boxes. That is to say you spend about $48 for a free $4 - an 8.33% saving, or rather a waste of 48 bucks! Well, it wouldnt be a waste if yumi yogurt was a necessity, just like the stickers thing from shop and save.
Next is when i walk around i'd try to go to ichiban sushi because of its card too. This time its $20 spending for a stamp and theres loads of goodies looted in the card BUT i could have spent the money eating something else and not there! Im not saying the food is not good but it just makes me want to go there all the time. ARgH~
So very often i get tricked by these marketing nonsense - arcade card points, membership points, loyalty points etc etc. The best is still the "Buy 2 @ $1.95" and i'd buy 2 even though i only needed one. Guess what, 2 for $1.95, 1 for $1.00. So i effectively saved 5 cents - or rather spent an additional 95 cents on something i dont need!
This is why I want to take business in university and one day i'd be using these nonsense to scam stupid people like me! Until than, im still dumb. Baka~
RanDom: Bananas, Pineapples, orange grows on trees!
Saturday, March 13, 2010
You see the limit!
Im sorry. Nope, not to you but to my blog. I somewhat abuse it, only turning to it when im overflowing with bored-ness. Im sorry blog, i wont do it again.
ARGH! So bored! Its yet another sunday, just like any other sundays. Today im going to blog about limits. I've had this idea in me for quite some time - you could say its one of my philosophy of life.
Limit. It marks the furthest you can go. Your limit is $100 a week, because thats what you get. You can't exceed that. Your limit is 2 distinction, because thats what your brain can handle. Anymore it goes BOOM. Your limit is 3 days with a new pack of cards, because your hand sweats like made and the cards become soggy after that. Your limit is 2 plates of chicken rich. Those are limits.
Aims. It is what you want to achieve. You aim to earn $20k / month. You aim to dunk. You aim for a scholarship. You aim for the sky - and the sky is the limit! Wait, lets re-look at this statement:
You aim for the sky - and the sky is the limit.
Well, if you take a closer look, it means:
Your aim is your limit
Yes. Thats what it says. Many times, you miss your target (all the time for me), other times you hit a bullseye. None of the times have you managed to go beyond. It is not because you're aiming the maximum hence you can't go higher, but rather your aim becomes the maximum. There is no maximum!
Thats what i see, or at least trying to see. Nothing is impossible. Never have an aim in life, for that will limit your life. Constantly improve what you are aiming at, furthur and furthur. Why aim to earn $20k a month wage? Dont earn wage, earn profits! Dont be an employee, be an employer. You can only go as far as you can see, so how far can you see? Can you see the end? I can't see far, so i want to see furthur. I dont want to see the end because theres no end. I want to see far.
RaNDom: Konnichiwa, watashi wa Tomo desu. Hajimemashite!
ARGH! So bored! Its yet another sunday, just like any other sundays. Today im going to blog about limits. I've had this idea in me for quite some time - you could say its one of my philosophy of life.
Limit. It marks the furthest you can go. Your limit is $100 a week, because thats what you get. You can't exceed that. Your limit is 2 distinction, because thats what your brain can handle. Anymore it goes BOOM. Your limit is 3 days with a new pack of cards, because your hand sweats like made and the cards become soggy after that. Your limit is 2 plates of chicken rich. Those are limits.
Aims. It is what you want to achieve. You aim to earn $20k / month. You aim to dunk. You aim for a scholarship. You aim for the sky - and the sky is the limit! Wait, lets re-look at this statement:
You aim for the sky - and the sky is the limit.
Well, if you take a closer look, it means:
Your aim is your limit
Yes. Thats what it says. Many times, you miss your target (all the time for me), other times you hit a bullseye. None of the times have you managed to go beyond. It is not because you're aiming the maximum hence you can't go higher, but rather your aim becomes the maximum. There is no maximum!
Thats what i see, or at least trying to see. Nothing is impossible. Never have an aim in life, for that will limit your life. Constantly improve what you are aiming at, furthur and furthur. Why aim to earn $20k a month wage? Dont earn wage, earn profits! Dont be an employee, be an employer. You can only go as far as you can see, so how far can you see? Can you see the end? I can't see far, so i want to see furthur. I dont want to see the end because theres no end. I want to see far.
RaNDom: Konnichiwa, watashi wa Tomo desu. Hajimemashite!
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Facebook Up in the Air!
Okay, i've finally given in to peer pressure (or boredom) so i've got myself a Facebook account! Yay for the people who have been telling me to do it for god knows how long. Boo, i wont be that active on that thingy. Its just a add and do nothing thing so yea. 2nd step (:
Earlier today - or yesterday considering its already past 12 - I went with the churchies to catch up in the air. Nope, we didnt catch up in the air. We went to catch 'Up in the Air' the movie. I must say the movies is not bad! One of the better movies i've watched. 4/5 stars if i'd rate it. If you have spare cash and time, this is quite a good place to spend it on (:
raNDOm: Eyes on me
Earlier today - or yesterday considering its already past 12 - I went with the churchies to catch up in the air. Nope, we didnt catch up in the air. We went to catch 'Up in the Air' the movie. I must say the movies is not bad! One of the better movies i've watched. 4/5 stars if i'd rate it. If you have spare cash and time, this is quite a good place to spend it on (:
raNDOm: Eyes on me
Sunday, March 7, 2010
ARGH. i typed this long post and it disappeared. Now i've got to retype it ):
So I've got my results. I did decent, enough to get into a local university but im disappointed.
First, i underperformed again. I could have done better. I mis-counted the number of questions in one of my papers and allocated too much time for other questions and none to one. As a result, i left 11 marks blank. Im sure i would have done better if i had done the last 11 marks. Too bad i didnt.
Second, i let my teacher down again. I once told him to stop bothering me for my tutorials. I'd score 3 dist for him. Well, in the end i didnt score the dist for his subject ): Well, he knew i had potential, just like my SJI teachers knew, but again i let them down.
Third, I couldnt prove my worth. Back in 'O' Levels i did decent too but its just not what i expected. I thought it was a blunder and 'A' Levels would prove me otherwise. It did the exact opposite.
Forth, Im the worst in my social circle. For some reason i mix with the smarty pants. The average number of distinctions in my social circle, those that i know, is 4. Some less than 4 but most got more. Well, it isnt a bad thing per se but i just feel im the stupidest among them ):
"The make of a man is not how well he oes but how well he gets back after falling" - Kwek
So after what kwek told me, i feel much better about my results. Hence, i told all of you my results. Its in this post (:
RaNdOM: Think out of the box
So I've got my results. I did decent, enough to get into a local university but im disappointed.
First, i underperformed again. I could have done better. I mis-counted the number of questions in one of my papers and allocated too much time for other questions and none to one. As a result, i left 11 marks blank. Im sure i would have done better if i had done the last 11 marks. Too bad i didnt.
Second, i let my teacher down again. I once told him to stop bothering me for my tutorials. I'd score 3 dist for him. Well, in the end i didnt score the dist for his subject ): Well, he knew i had potential, just like my SJI teachers knew, but again i let them down.
Third, I couldnt prove my worth. Back in 'O' Levels i did decent too but its just not what i expected. I thought it was a blunder and 'A' Levels would prove me otherwise. It did the exact opposite.
Forth, Im the worst in my social circle. For some reason i mix with the smarty pants. The average number of distinctions in my social circle, those that i know, is 4. Some less than 4 but most got more. Well, it isnt a bad thing per se but i just feel im the stupidest among them ):
"The make of a man is not how well he oes but how well he gets back after falling" - Kwek
So after what kwek told me, i feel much better about my results. Hence, i told all of you my results. Its in this post (:
RaNdOM: Think out of the box
Friday, March 5, 2010
Prints vs Tags
Yay! Now is the eve of 'A' Level result release. Its night, and as expected i cant sleep.
Earlier today, i went up with a couple (2 to be exact) of my SJI classmate and i suddenly understood how poor i was - both money wise and brain wise. According to my friend, what my other friend was wearing could cover the cost of 1 year of education in SJI, which amounts to about 1.8k dollars! The brand of the stuff he was wearing sounds totally foreign to me ):
Finally, i came to a conclusion: There come a point where fashion is no longer the print but the tag. Im still in the group where print matters. I'll go around and think "Hey, thats a cute shirt" and i'll but it. Thats how i usually do things. I guess i have to start giving due respect to the tag, for its design and quality. ArgH!
RaNdOM: Besty BEstie Best!
Earlier today, i went up with a couple (2 to be exact) of my SJI classmate and i suddenly understood how poor i was - both money wise and brain wise. According to my friend, what my other friend was wearing could cover the cost of 1 year of education in SJI, which amounts to about 1.8k dollars! The brand of the stuff he was wearing sounds totally foreign to me ):
Finally, i came to a conclusion: There come a point where fashion is no longer the print but the tag. Im still in the group where print matters. I'll go around and think "Hey, thats a cute shirt" and i'll but it. Thats how i usually do things. I guess i have to start giving due respect to the tag, for its design and quality. ArgH!
RaNdOM: Besty BEstie Best!
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
The Stalking...
So on my previous post, I said i'll show you people some of the stuff yuqi and clement were ploting on my birthday. Check this out.
First they avoided me..

Than they stalked me...

Yea, the blue guy in the center is me..

And they wasted my time..

But the best part was how they tried to find a building close enough to me so they could throw the pokeball card down, just like how a pokemon master would "choose" his pokemon..

Finally, they still decided to hand give it to me because all their scheme failed..
Still, it was good fun. They really made my day. All they have done for me is Awesome (capital A). Thanks Yuqi and Clement. One thing that i got out of my 2 years of college education is making friends like them.
Welcome abroad, Yuqi and Clement, to my train of life!
RandOM: Drumstick rice.
First they avoided me..

Than they stalked me...

Yea, the blue guy in the center is me..

And they wasted my time..

But the best part was how they tried to find a building close enough to me so they could throw the pokeball card down, just like how a pokemon master would "choose" his pokemon..

Finally, they still decided to hand give it to me because all their scheme failed..
Still, it was good fun. They really made my day. All they have done for me is Awesome (capital A). Thanks Yuqi and Clement. One thing that i got out of my 2 years of college education is making friends like them.
Welcome abroad, Yuqi and Clement, to my train of life!
RandOM: Drumstick rice.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Yu Jie, I Choose You!
Yea, I know wall of text hurts the eye. Its such a pain to read long long blog post of text text text. Well, this post will be a little special (:
Nope, i have yet to invest in a camera because im lazy to find out what is good and how much it cost and start finding cheap ones. Im afraid I'll get scammed so yea, I KIV-ed it.
The pictures that you're going to see are taken by and given to me by my junior Yuqi. This boy is like an everlasting gumball, one where its sweetness never runs dry. Yuqi did many many things for me, mostly little meaningful cards that i which i could show you but i dont have pictures of them. This year for my birthday, Yuqi , together with Clement, did awesome stuff for me.
First, the 2 boys went to Hwa Chong JC to take some shots.

This is Yuqi:

And this is Clement:

Yuqi again..


After that, they made a fantastic card for me. Here it is:

Front Side

Back Side
And finally they send it to me.

Well, the day didn't actually go all that well. I'll post some behind-the-scene actions about how they stalked me and all their failed attempts on a later date because its very late now and im running out of juice.
Hope thats enough candy to the eye for now (:
RaNdOm: We'll hold the shield of green and white up high with pride!
Nope, i have yet to invest in a camera because im lazy to find out what is good and how much it cost and start finding cheap ones. Im afraid I'll get scammed so yea, I KIV-ed it.
The pictures that you're going to see are taken by and given to me by my junior Yuqi. This boy is like an everlasting gumball, one where its sweetness never runs dry. Yuqi did many many things for me, mostly little meaningful cards that i which i could show you but i dont have pictures of them. This year for my birthday, Yuqi , together with Clement, did awesome stuff for me.
First, the 2 boys went to Hwa Chong JC to take some shots.

This is Yuqi:

And this is Clement:

Yuqi again..


After that, they made a fantastic card for me. Here it is:

Front Side

Back Side
And finally they send it to me.

Well, the day didn't actually go all that well. I'll post some behind-the-scene actions about how they stalked me and all their failed attempts on a later date because its very late now and im running out of juice.
Hope thats enough candy to the eye for now (:
RaNdOm: We'll hold the shield of green and white up high with pride!
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