Saturday, March 26, 2011
Ghost and Monster.
Did you have a favourite toy when you were young? A dog, or perhaps a doll. Or maybe an imaginary friend? What was its name? Remember it used to be your best companion, the one you turn to when you were happy, the one you hugged when you were sad. Where are they now? Neglected?
How about the treasure box you kept in the drawer? The box that contains all your treasures - pokemon cards, bottle caps, shiny stone, stickers, fallen tooth etc. Where is this box? Thrown away during spring cleaning?
Remember your childhood friends? Those you fought with but never stop playing with? Those running barefooted with you around the blocks, doing the stupidest things. Those that made time fly, made you look forward to tomorrow. Those you promised you'd play with forever, when you grow up you'd still be friends. Have you grown up? Where are they? Lost contact?
What is your favourite toy now? Or do you still even play?
What is in your treasure box now? Money and certificates?
Who are the people around you? Are they friends? Or just co-workers? Will you be there for them? Will they, for you?
Maybe ghosts and monsters are not trying to catch children. They just want to make friends with them because they are lonely. Because only children can see ghosts and monsters. Only children dream. We live in reality.
RaNDoM: pick
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Sorry people. My computer fried again (or so i thought) so I have been connected via my lappy, which do not have some java or something to blog. [After sending my comp back and forth from Sim Lim 4-5 times I found out my monitor is causing short circuits... not my comp -.- ] Anyway, im back!
Its already Feb, after Chinese New Year. CNY didn't go all that well for me, but it was a bountiful one(: If it did anything it just strengthed my resolve.
Im going Thailand! No, not h0liday ): So the army is going to bring us for some training in Thailand(: Yes, we serve the nation and have free overseas trip! Anyway I'll be away from 24/2 - 13/3 i think. Quite a long trip.. I think the longest I've ever gone overseas for.
Alrighty, another time (:
Monday, December 27, 2010
Twenty Eleven.
So we're at the dust of 2010. Many many things happened this year and I must say this is the most fulfilling year I've had so far. Yes, I think its because of NS. Lets look back to my 2010.
My 2010
My 19th Birthday was one of, if not, the BEST. All my friends were there with me for me. We had a (cake) smashing time and not to forget my loots. I really love the Pokeball card Yuqi and Clement made for me. Thanks for choosing me (:
Basketball Frenzy
Yea, I remember this crazy period too. I would go down to AMK 6 days a week to play basketball from hot afternoon till the lights go off. Thanks ZH for accompanying me with this little craze of mine. I had a good time with Andy and Jovan too so Kudos to them. Oh, and if you think practise makes perfect, I think not. My basketball still suck!
Hardship. It is the toughest part of NS so far. I guess it was tough because I'm not used to military life yet. Thanks Andrew and many many people that help me pull through this hellhole.
WhoOO! BMT to SCS is like hell to paradise. It really can't get any better than this (except ORD)
The intial weeks were tough, but it got good and good-er and became good-est. It is one of those times where you hate is so much yet love it. I had a fantastic time with 8 of my retarded detachment mates. Thanks Det 4. Oh, and I made my best friend here; BEN HU (:
Back to SCS - CAT
This was just 2 weeks but the best. Initially I felt real lost because I was the only one from my course in my syndicate, then I met Macson! Mac is my idol, inspiration, role model and whatever you call it! He brought me round the camp, told me stories, taught me lessons, skills (not smoking!) He is like my brother and I like it that way (: Thanks Mac. Thanks Ben also!
Sigh.. Unit life just started so nothing much happened but it seems boring. 4 of my detachment mates from AI came with me but it just doesn't feel the same anymore. Well, at least I still have Ben with me (: BenNnn!
The most awesome 25 December. Thanks Macson, Julie. You've filled me with happiness in its purest form.
So now, looking ahead. 2011 is going to be interesting. It is an important year, the year before I become legit and start taking the world. I am going to..
- Learn Piano
- Buy a guitar and learn
- Continue with my song. Its KIV for now.
- Read, alot.
- Apply for University
- Improve on my magic
- Do a project
- Be better friends with Ben
- Be better brothers with Mac
- Make my ideas practical
Thats all I can think for now. If you read till here, WELL DONE!
RandoM: Rocketeer
Saturday, December 18, 2010
3SGT (:
So on the 17th of December I officially became a 3rd Sergeant and im going to Kranji camp with all my friends. My besssttt friend is there too so YEA! They say that once you wear a black rank, all the responsibilities comes and so do the extra duties. Still, YEA!
RAnDom: I'll choose the same end.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Look What You've Done...
At this point, you should know that most actions have a trade off. Handphones allow us to store numbers of friends, disintegrating our innate ability to memorize the phone numbers. The connectivity handphone provides also reduces punctuality. The goodness that Facebook brought about also took something equally, if not more important from us.
Goodness: Whats on your mind? You could let all your friends know what you're thinking and you can read what all your friends are thinking. Great way to know you friends better - on the surface that is.
My Feelings: Its degenerating I feel. You don't exactly know the person by reading their walls! Meet the person up, have a HTHT (heart-to-heart-talk). But people just don't get it. They feel this is a good way.
Impact: Less socializing among friends. More friends, more superficial friends.
Goodness: Games! Everyone likes playing games. Mousehunt is one of my favourite in Facebook. Its a passive game where you sound a horn every 15min to try to catch a mouse.
My Feelings: Good game. Really. But where is the socializing again? The games on Facebook does allow you to 'play with a friend', like for mousehunt you sound a horn for a friend at the same location. But where is the dynamic of coordination? And its way tooo distracting.
Impact: Games are solo games. No interaction. Distraction, from work.

My Feelings: I've used this function quite alot... When I use it I never post anything on the person's wall. Its like.. reconnect on facebook but not really connected anymore.
Impact: Quick reconnection, buff your friend list. Thats it.
All and all, Facebook is awesome. Mark did a fantastic job. Its concept was for everything good. Its just people start abusing Facebook, choosing to substitute reality with it. 5th of December, lets all ask those friends that matters out amd hang out physically. Its a date.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
I know it won't last. I just know it.

I've got a few more weeks to spend with my friends. Don't worry, no one is dying. My course is coming to an end and we're going to spread out to various places. People keep consoling me that theres a chance I'll be together with my friends. Well the truth is theres also a chance I won't, and I think thats a better chance.
I've got this friend who in my course. Im not real close to him but I could say he is my best friend. Im not sure if it is the other way though. Its a pity that the time we've spent together is so short. I would have really wanted to know him better. People tell me that I could still remain in contact with my friends even if we're in different places. Well, thats if its 2 way right?
I know it. I just know it, that after we go our seperate ways, we go our seperate ways. 13weeks is insufficient to create a bond strong enough to last. I've had many experiences with friends that I really wanted to befriend and at some point we became real close but after we moved on, we really moved on. Some because I didn't try, while others is because I stopped trying. Either way it doesn't matter. It didn't last.
And right now, I've got 3 more weeks. I've been trying very hard to make the best of it. To try and improve on this friendship so that it can become 2 way. So that it can self-sustain. So that maybe I can become his best friend too. But I just have a feeling that it'll boil down to nothing. Maybe it won't boil down to nothing because it was nothing to begin with.
I don't understand why I try so hard even though I know it wouldn't make a difference. I know that it'll just make it harder when the times comes. I can just stop trying and stop it here. Shorten the pain but I guess its that glimmer of hope that maybe I can do it, or maybe we'll be going to the same place. Or perhaps its just human nature to do futile things, just like despite knowing we all meet our makers at the end of the road all of us try to achieve tangible rewards that we could not bring away.
I woke up, in the middle of a Thursday night
Sunday, November 7, 2010
The Social Network

This is a story about the founders of the social-networking website, facebook. Although the story may not be completely true, it still paints a very detailed picture of the creation of a worldwide phenomenon. Facebook is now part and parcel of almost everyone's life and I believe it is important for all to have this - The making of Facebook - as part of their general knowledge.
This movie is simply too brilliant! The ideas presented in the movie are so bold but true. It may be hard for some to comprehend or come to terms with but it is simply such boldness that great enterprises are created.
I feel this new surge of motivation, of fire burning within me to pursue something that is far beyond my understanding; to earn money I never thought possible; to own properties I never thought I could; to make changes that shape the world. This movie has given me a new dosage of fuel to burn longer and brighter. I'm not sure if this is the way for me, but I'll walk this way.
RanDom: No more blogging about my daily occurrence. Too boring ):